SELF-INJURY OF SELECTIVE FORGETFULNESS Game of Megalomaniacs and - TopicsExpress


SELF-INJURY OF SELECTIVE FORGETFULNESS Game of Megalomaniacs and Vultures-in-Waiting!! -Attorney Patryk Utulu * Karl Marx famously said that religion is the opium of the masses because it deadens their present earthly pains with promises of a better world to come. But in Nigeria, partisan fanaticism has replaced religion as the opiate. * Nigerian underclass masses absolutely hate stealing but only if the thief is a member of their own downtrodden underclass. A petty pickpocket gets NOT even the benefit of a court trial. If caught, a street mob would rage-righteously ring a car tire over the thiefs head, spray petrol on him and without mercy, set him on fire. Thus, our implacable street justice. Then the very same mob that just killed one of their own underclass members without the benefit of a court hearing would miraculously acquire gutter law degrees, regain their democratic consciences and demand fool-proof evidence of guilt when told that a politician stole billions of Naira from the Nigerian treasury. That is the tragic-comedy of the Nigerian underclass. * NIGERIANS ARE EXPERTS IN SELECTIVE FORGETFULNESS!!! * Due to its long dominance over the nations polity, Nigerias ruling party, PDP, has become so drunk ON power that the party has morphed into a megalomaniac bunch of socially-blind, tone-deaf elitist brigands who daily alter the rules of the political game, internally and externally, without any regard for the Nigerian Constitution, social equity or public sentiments. Whenever you warn Jonathanians that Nigerians are deeply disillusioned with their rule and may throw them out of Aso Rock they arrogantly tell you that you live abroad hence, cannot understand the deep affection that Nigerians have for President Jonathan. Such is the tone-deafness of power!!! * But the main opposition party, APC, is so hungry FOR power it has morphed into a cabal of vultures-in-waiting who licensed a PR campaign of willful deception and easily-debunked propaganda of pretend-poverty that APC is basically financed on the miracle of faith, mass support and no money. And if you warn Buharistas that it is self-defeating to tell easily-debunked lies (e.g. that Buhari who is paid N27 Million in monthly retirement salary is worth only N1Million or that his daughter is married to an Anambra man or that his first daughter, Zulai, died recently of cancer because Buhari had no money to send her abroad for treatment when in fact, she died of sickle cell anemia exacerbated by child birth) they descend into rage and accuse you of being secretly anti-Buhari or of working for PDP. * HOPELESSLY trapped between these two manipulative political parties are Fela Kutis suffering-and-smiling Nigerians some of whom have turned into mindless drones that repeat whatever propaganda PDP or APC PR machines spits out. How long these follies will play out before Nigerias February 14, 2015 election is anyones guess. But it is NOT a guess that both parties have enough human drones to meaninglessly scream and counter-scream: Sai Buhari and GEJ all the way without ever asking the two men to publicly debate what they intend to do with Nigerians 2015-2019 mandate. * It is beyond doubt that PDP and APC are now formidable organizations. It is beyond dispute that both parties will face the secret wrath of Nigerians on February 14, 2015. It is also beyond doubt that neither PDP nor APC will easily concede defeat even if Jesus Christ and his cousin, the Prophet Muhammad, both come down to sue for peace. There will be court battles. There will be street battles. And as in 2011, there will be blood. Nigerian masses, the same suffering-and-smiling drones, will die by the hundreds, if not thousands. And both parties, especially the ultimate loser, will object and counter-complain till 2019 and beyond. * Whatever ultimately happens it will be the fault of the leadership of PDP and APC as neither party cares for Nigeria(ns) above their own personal greed and megalomania. Both parties set themselves up for failure. As the American writer/historian/philosopher, William Durant, famously said, A great civilization is never conquered from WITHOUT until it has destroyed itself from WITHIN. This statement applies perfectly to big organizations, especially power-mongering organizations like national political parties. * If PDP ultimately loses, it would be because the leadership fell in love with their own delusion of invincibility and indispensability and in the process forgot a primary proverb of power: no one can claim peoples power for long without bringing the people along. If Nigerians mandate to APC is so blatantly overwhelming no power can suppress it in 2015 without the risk of killing such number of Nigerian citizens that the nation itself would be imperiled. * But if APC ultimately loses, it would be because APCs propagandists and leaders have such contempt for Nigerian masses that they believe they can get away with re-writing every bit of Nigerias recent history in such a way as to pin every bit of nonsense that have been happening in Nigeria for over 30 years, on Jonathans 6 year old administration. * TO BEAT A CHAMPION YOU MUST BE WILLING TO KNOCK OUT THE CHAMPION. APC CAN CHANGE THEIR TACTIC IN THE NEXT 5 WEEKS by concentrating on Buharis core strength, and he has many. What APC cannot get away with is these incessant primitive propaganda that falsely portrays Nigeria as heaven-until-Jonathan. Public fraud, armed robbery, homicidally-dangerous roads, electricity disruption, Federal/State salary disputes, and uncollected mountains of garbage in Lagos and other major cities were all DAILY PUTRID POSTERS since the 1980s, 1990s, etc. * During my 4 year of undergraduate law at the University of Benin, the school was in actual SESSION for probably a total of 3 years because of repeated ASUU strikes due to non-payment of salaries. Yet now, I hear all sorts of fictitious stories about how everything was nice-as-heaven UNTIL Mr. Jonathan came to power 6 years ago. Do these propagandists expect us Nigerians to NOT challenge their fabrications? Do they really think that their juvenile rage and vituperative attacks will intimidate us into silence? * Both PDP or APC have a 50-50 chance of winning this election because, despite the noise makers, millions of Nigerians wont tell you how they will vote. Nigerians are free to oppose, to support AND to vote for whomever they please, BUT NIGERIANS SHOULD NOT STAY SILENT if a partys tactic is to win it by calculated fiction and masterful re-write of recent Nigerian history crafted by propagandists who believe that we have neither the intellectual fortitude nor patriotic courage to protest their deliberate fictionalization of Nigerias recent yesterdays. * WISHING YOU ALL THE BEST OF HEALTH AS YOU ENTER 2015 MAY YOUR SUCCESS REFLECT YOUR WISHES FOR OTHERS!!! * ****** Attorney Patryk A. Utulu U.S.-based Attorney & Strategic Communications Specialist Global Defense Analyst and Global Events Commentator Executive Vice President, Nigerian Diaspora-North America Executive Director, The Center 4 Community Empowerment & Lifeskills, Inc [Rights Rsvd. 12292014. Copyrights Strictly Enforced. Fair Use Permitted] Join us on Facebook: “The Nigerian Presidency Project HQ”
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 09:20:41 +0000

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