SENATORS UDALL AND HEINRICH VOTE AGAINST KEYSTONE XL PIPELINE; VOTE FAILS IN THE U.S. SENATE U.S. Senator Tom Udall released the following statement after voting against a bill to mandate approval of the Keystone pipeline. The bill failed to win the support needed to move forward: “Throughout my time in public service, I’ve advocated for a ‘do it all, do it right’ strategy to reduce our dependence on foreign oil and move toward energy independence — something that will require us to truly invest in clean energy as well as traditional oil and gas resources. I support responsible oil and gas production in New Mexico, which provides millions of dollars a year for education in our state, and I will fight as hard as anyone for investing in American infrastructure and jobs. But few energy issues have been as politicized as this one, and that’s a big part of why I voted no today. I do not believe Congress should intervene and pass a law simply to mandate approval of one specific pipeline for one private company. The long-standing law is clear that the president — and not Congress — issues or denies permits for individual cross-border pipeline projects. I urge the administration to complete its process as soon as possible and make a decision that considers all relevant factors including the pipeline’s impacts on the economy and climate change pollution.” U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich, a member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, released the following statement today after voting against the Keystone XL Pipeline legislation: “This debate is not about a pipeline. It’s really about market signals. A vote to approve Keystone sends the signal that carbon pollution and climate are not serious economic concerns and that even the dirtiest fuels, such as tar sands, are a good place to invest capital. A vote against Keystone sends the signal that our government is taking the science of climate change and risk analysis seriously, and that the smarter investments are on the low-carbon and sustainable fuels of the future. We have a small and closing window to avoid economically disastrous climate impacts. My vote against Keystone reflects that reality.”
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 00:33:57 +0000

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