SEPTEMBER 5th, 2013 –VIRGO NEW MOON New Moons bring new - TopicsExpress


SEPTEMBER 5th, 2013 –VIRGO NEW MOON New Moons bring new beginnings. New Moons are also the most spiritual and intuitive moons of the whole Lunar cycle. It is a wonderful time to manifest, meditate and create! Each New Moon brings with it a down load of evolutionary energies to give us the knowledge to create a beautiful future. Remember that the New Moon energy last a day and half on each side of the peak. With the Virgo energy of this New Moon it is time to purify and cleans our environment…..including our homes, our body’s, our minds, our behaviors, our work places, and emotions (the moon) etc. De-cluttering in all these areas will help the energy flow through you and around you. It will give you the ability to receive more knowledge, and to be able to function at optimal levels. Being of service with this knowledge is part of these energies also. How can you serve your community/humanity with all the information you have gathered? How can you serve and mentor in the healing arts? What is your part of service in this powerful time in history? It is a perfect time to check in with yourself to see how far you’ve come in your journey of self-knowledge and self-actualization. What is worn out, or become old in your lives? What routines & thought processes are no longer working? It is time to eliminate all that is “old.” During the Virgo New Moon It is time to get your priorities in order, to bring practical matters to the forefront. Concentrate on new ways to get your day to day life organized. Don’t let the distractions of daily life get in your way. It is a time to commit to positive personal goals, getting into a healthy routine of taking care of your body, and getting down to some serious work. It is definitely time to create a plan, and then to take action on it. Watch out for the ‘grey’ side of Virgo where you have a tendency to think that you don’t know enough yet and you must learn more before you can share your knowledge. Also avoid the tendency of thinking that it isn’t perfect enough yet to bring out in the open. Whatever you are creating will never be perfect soooo it is time to bring it out now and share it! You may actually find that you know way more than those around you! It is a perfect time for the grounding energies of Virgo and a return to the Earth energy. The Earth energy of Virgo…..the harvest of our grains, our food and our connection with the beauty of the Earth. It is a time to Harvest our ideas and our talents. Virgo helps us to bring the higher energies in and ground them with the Earth. Virgo is ruled by Mercury the messenger. Mercury is knowledge both gathering it and sharing it. Talking and communicating it. It is also about communicating (Mercury) with nature (Virgo) as nature communicates with us. We are one with the Earth….we are one with nature. Because of Virgo we can communicate with all of matter and all of nature! Sit with the Earth during this time and LISTEN! During this New Moon we have Mars forming a square with Saturn. On September 8th this square becomes exact. Saturn (the father figure, tradition and the government) squares Mars (the God of War, crusades and passion) and they are not getting along very well. The energy is stressful with a lot of friction! What does this mean? Well for the world, it shows (as above, so below) this volatile and warrior energy we are witnessing in and around Syria……..which is now involving the whole world! There could be escalation around the 8th and the days following… the square becomes tighter and exact on that date. For ourselves….be aware of your surroundings….watch you’re own and others driving….watch what you say and what you write. Watch where you are stepping, and watch out when you are walking. It is not a good time to confront anyone….. including those at work. It is a time when there can be accidents, conflicts, arguments, setbacks etc. This square on the high side can bring in the passion to start the new “crusades” for the honoring of the ancient knowledge…..the wisdoms of the Elders……the ancients….and the other worldly. Chiron in Pisces opposes this Virgo New Moon. Chiron is known as the Wounded Healer, the teacher of Gods, and the Healer of the Gods. Chiron is often referred to as the bridge between the physical reality and the higher frequency’s…….representing the collective consciousness. Chiron is about our wound (Chiron in Pisces leans towards a spiritual or highly creative wound)……a Soul wound that we have carried over from life times, and the New Moon is giving us the opportunity to manifest the Healing of that wound (on both the collective realm, humanity, the Earth, and within ourselves)… we can move forward in the highest Spiritual way, by manifesting (New Moon) the healing (Virgo) on this physical plane (Virgo). Chiron is also part of a continuing Grand Water Trine involving Jupiter in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio and Chiron in Pisces. With Chiron opposing the Virgo New Moon and part of the Grand Water Trine, we are bringing in the Feminine energy which is about love, peace and balance….. It is as if the Grand Water Trine is washing away the wounds (Chiron) of the Earth/humanity….. by connecting with the luminaries which represents our life energy, our life force…... and our natural intuition, nurturing and healing. The Universe is again emphasizing the feminine energy and how we need to honor and embody it as we bring the feminine and the male, the yin and the yang energies into balance Remember that Jupiter, is also in the Grand Water trine,..….it is connecting this rare configuration to the powerful Cardinal T-Square.. The Universe is speaking loudly and urgently about change, transformation, and birthing of “new”..… lies, no secrets, no out of bounds ego, no judgment, no manipulation etc. etc. The Universe is again asking us to move away from things, people, places and that are no longer vibrating where we are now vibrating. It is time to move beyond all of that and into the “new.” Manifest during this New Moon… ideas and goals, and then let the Universe know that you are serious. What areas can you be of service in for yourself, and for the community? What is it that is so important to you, that you are ready to speak about it….to walk your talk? During this Virgo New Moon, listen to your intuition, connect with the Earth. It is time to manifest your desires, and to create a beautiful world. It is time to come from your heart in all areas. Stay in your heart, think with your heart….this is so important during this time. Take time to just be. Let the Earth energy surround you. Take time to sit with the Earth and LISTEN……take care of the Earth and HONOR her…….. MEDITATE……take time to be quiet and LISTEN………MANIFEST……..your own reality….bring BALANCE into all areas…..and PEACE in the world These are the energies affecting all of humanity and the Earth. These energies also affect you individually, according to how they activate your own birth chart. Learn how they activate your chart through an Astrological Reading. Knowing how they are affecting you personally, gives you the ability to make choices, and use the energies in the highest way. Feel free to share this update, in its entirety! AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology © 2013 Cathy Lindsey All rights reserved. facebook/AstroEyesEvolutionaryAstrology
Posted on: Fri, 06 Sep 2013 07:21:38 +0000

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