~ SETTING THINGS STRAIGHT ~ _____________________________________________ Have you noticed that the Christian Church has changed to imitate the protocols and methods of the world? More and more churches are requiring Pastors with Master’s and Doctorate degrees. They are more concerned about the perspective pastor’s credentials than they are about his morals and his salvation. They even set the pastor’s salary according to what level of education he has achieved. This is worldly and has no foundation in Holy Scripture. THIS IS NOT OF GOD! Education is good. We should get as much education as we can afford or that is afforded to us. The more tools and skills that we have to use for the work of the kingdom of God the better. BUT DON’T GET IT TWISTED! We cannot qualify or certify to be God’s Preacher and Servant through Bible Colleges or Seminaries. God is not impressed with your diplomas, degrees, certificates or any such things of man. • You must first have heard and believed the Gospel of Salvation through Jesus Christ. • You must be born-again of the water and of the Spirit according to the scriptures (John 3:3-7 and Acts 2:38). • You must spend time with the Messiah and His Word for He is the only one qualified and able to call and equip you with divine knowledge and with everything that you need to carry out your divine assignment (Acts 4:13). • You must wait to be sent by God and not by man or organization (Romans 10:15). • Then you must go in the assurance and power of the Holy Ghost – being led by the Spirit and not by the flesh. These five points do not take the place of education but places education in its place. Keep Looking Up! (Bishop O.W. Prince) owprince.wordpress/
Posted on: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 22:55:48 +0000

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