SHARING AGAIN!!!! PLEASE HELP IF YOU CAN EVEN $1.00...THANK YOU!! SHARING FOR A FRIEND......IF YOU CAN HELP PLEASE DO!!! MUCH GRATITUDE & LOVE ♥ It is with great joy to be able to connect and reach all those whom, in some way or another have crossed my path and have added to the beauty of my life, I say hello, hola, Hello!! Many roads we have walked, with and without each other. Many roads of wonders, of happiness, of trial, of bravery, and many, many sad ones too, but yet all of us are still thriving to find happiness, to give happiness…… is exigent, but with faith to the One Creator things manage to be just seen as challenges, as opportunities to show ourselves what we are made of. In life we learn so many things, we hope we become wiser, humble, open minded to the mysteries of life itself. The one lesson I have learned in this life is that alone, I cannot accomplish as much as I could with you my brother, or you my friend or neighbor by my side. I am still learning to know that two minds are better than one, four hands can do more than just two; that with the strength of Fellowship Mountains can be moved…… So I take this opportunity with a humble heart and with this amazing technology to reach You, all of You to help me in what I and my two sons have been battling alone for the past 12 years, the terrible effects of mental illness….. I once too, was a princess Looking for the frog I would kiss and turn into my prince I once too, had dreams of grand and even more so, of love Everlasting love, respect and a handful of children A castle, a lake, poetry, music and so much more My first son got ill, and all dreams got broken, they were gone….. I lost my faith, which I have found again, and with that hope came to be, But I need YOU my friend, my cousin, and those sympathetic to this cause I need your help to brake the chains that are holding my son, and many others too And I pledge to you God, that I will not stop there, not just with my son, but will continue to fight for all those who help do not have…… PLEASE GO MY MY WEBSITE WWW.CONNECTINGTHEDOTS4MENTALWELLNESS.COM/ AND DONATE $1.00 OR WHAT YOUR HEART AND/OR WALLET ALLOWS, I NEED TO RAISE $50,000.00 TO PAY LEGAL REPRESENTATION FOR MY SON. The attorney is requiring a minimum of $17,000. to start his case. Please give him a chance to be taken to a hospital to get the medical treatment he is being denied of in Hendricks County Jail.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 21:55:34 +0000

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