►SHARING my new Godsong, I CHOOSE YOU ~ just released - TopicsExpress


►SHARING my new Godsong, I CHOOSE YOU ~ just released today! “ I CHOOSE YOU “, © 2014, GodsongsHeart2Heart Ministry, GodsongsHeart2Heart ►I CHOOSE YOU https://soundcloud/godsongsheart2heart/I-choose-you ►Godstory behind I CHOOSE YOU (see below) ►GodsongsHeart2Heart Ministry invites your hearts to worship along with me as I share my new Godsong release, “ I CHOOSE YOU “ ! I encourage your hearts to read the powerful Godstory behind my Godsong, “I CHOOSE YOU “ below! ►Godstory behind “I CHOOSE YOU” My Godsong, “I CHOOSE YOU” was born on 2/24/14 as I was driving home that morning. Like a warning light on my emotional dashboard indicating internal “trouble”, I realized how I was feeling in that moment was directly influenced by what I had been focused, meditating & thinking upon the whole ride home. It wasnt until I experienced these painful emotions that I became aware / realized that I had added to “the heartache” because I had been unintentionally dwelling/ rehearsing / focusing my attention on the problems of “life”. I had to accept the responsibility that I was letting my heart be “troubled”. Inadvertently, I had been an accomplice to my own pain, fear & anxiety without even realizing it!! Because I was magnifying & dwelling on the troubles in “life”, I was limiting my ability to experience DaddyGods Reality, His view & opinion of my circumstances through His eyes which is full of His loving peace, rest, comfort & hope & the promise of a good outcome & His abundant LIFE! When I became aware in that moment of how I was contributing to my pain by focusing & spending my thoughts / time meditating upon “life” problems, I made a clear & intentional choice / decision / determination that I was only going to give my undivided attention, my thoughts, my heart & the stage presence in my life to the Word of Life ~ JESUS ! He is the Life-Giver who has given me HOPE yesterday, today & tomorrow !! When my Hope is in Him ~ His Hope gives me a confident expectation of a good outcome in my life which is His abundant Life that Hes given me in & through His Finished Work upon the Cross, through His burial & Resurrection! He has placed His LIFE & LOVE inside of me & that much more abundantly !! I am not in lack or in “trouble” because Hes my only Source of Life & the only Life-Giving Answer / So(u)lution to my heart, soul & spirit!!! Rather than being consumed with thoughts that only come to distract, destroy & extinguish the experience of His abundant life & promises, I CHOOSE to focus, meditate, rehearse the Life-Giving Words of the Word of Life! When & to the degree I CHOOSE LIFE & to meditate / magnify the Word of Life ~ JESUS ~ I experience the promise of His Abundant Life shared in John 10:10 !! Jesus said “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” (KJV) Jesus came to give me / us life ~ HIS LIFE ~ with joy and abundance! We are not in lack when He is our Source. We may not feel or experience His REALITY, HIS VIEW & OPINION which is His Glory if we are choosing to dwell, meditate, magnify & be consumed by our troubles & what we perceive is our reality. We will only experience His Life & His Glory ~ His Reality ~ His view & opinion ~ when & to the degree we CHOOSE to view our life / circumstances / relationships / others through His eyes! We must believe, receive & intentionally CHOOSE to focus/ dwell/ meditate/ magnify & fill our minds & heart with His Living Truth, His Life, His Reality, His View & Opinion!! As Philippians 4:8 encourages us all ~ “brothers & sisters fill your minds with beauty and truth. Meditate on whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is good, whatever is virtuous and praiseworthy.” To the degree we choose to place our thoughts upon the WORD of LIFE in place of the negative thoughts & mind traps that have us so stuck in believing what we perceive/ feel / think is our reality, we will experience HIS ABUNDANT LIFE to the full & in abundance!!! Right then, I began to pray & express aloud my hearts desire to the Lover of my Soul declaring to the Author of my Life, the One who Finished, Perfected & Pre-planned His good outcome for my Life ! ►“O, Lord, ~ regardless of “life” & these circumstances that are out of my control, I CHOOSE YOU !! I CHOOSE to place & invest my thoughts, my focus, my attention fully on YOU! You are MY LIFE!!! You are my SONG!! You are my BREATH!!! In YOU, I always know where I belong! You alone deserve & will receive the stage presence in my life!! Its ALL about You, Jesus! Your Voice of Life speaks a better Word, a Life-Giving HEALING WORD over me!! My heart will only be atune to Your Voice of Peace which keeps me current & full of HOPE in the good outcome Youve planned for my future rather than focusing on the past. I CHOOSE YOU ~ the ONE who has chosen me! I am CHOSEN by YOU ~ my I AM ~ therefore, I CHOOSE YOU ! MY REALITY IS YOU!!! I am saved, marked, identified, sealed & set apart & SOZO loved & fully satisfied by YOU forever!! When I CHOOSE YOU in return I experience Your mercy, grace, joy, peace, loving-kindness, worth, Identity, value, & Your favor. When I CHOOSE YOU ~ I experience the Holy Spirits PEACE ~ in my heart, soul & spirit ~ of knowing I am fully accepted, belonging & chosen by You!! You are the Prince of my Life, the Prince of Peace, my DaddyGod, the King of Righteousness & my Jehovah-Shalom! What a beautiful worship moment as I internally & externally magnified, claimed, received, personalized & spoke His Words of Life & His Reality over my life! When I declared, “ I CHOOSE YOU” & made a decision / choice to focus my heart & attention completely upon Him, everything changed!! As soon as I got home on 2/24/12, my Godsong,“I CHOOSE YOU” was born!!! That very night, in the wee hours of the morning 2/25/14, even as my spirit prayed & waited (waited =to bind together, entwine & wrap myself around His Life living within me) and with great & peaceful anticipation, expectation, eagerness & excitement, I prepared to hear Heavens Voice & postured my heart to have an Encounter with His LIFE! As I began to magnify, focus on, meditate upon His Life living in me, it was like I became supernaturally weightless & all of Heaven ~ HIS LIFE & the POWER OF HIS RESURRECTION flooded my soul with a supernatural adrenaline! In the spirit realm, like a Heavenly portal visually opening above me, I began to feel & hear the beautiful & audible sound waves of Heaven that vibrated within me & a supernatural surge like the energy of Heavenly electricity rapturing my heart up to His! I felt His Glory aglow & radiate all over me!!! My hands lifted up in praise to Him as my spirit & the voice of my heart exclaimed, “ I CHOOSE YOU !” This Heavenly experience was a healing transformation in the spirit realm which birthed the Bridge to my Godsong, I CHOOSE YOU !! Sometimes if we choose or allow it, “life” can be distracting especially when are intentionally or unintentionally more aware, consumed, focused, dwelling, thinking of our external circumstances. To the degree we magnify our problems or the problems we encounter in “life” by focusing our attention & thoughts upon them (especially when combined with our negative self-talk or judgments which create mind traps), to this degree & so much more, it has the power to impact & skew / alter our perspective of & perception of reality which influences our experience of reality, as well as our experience of others, ourselves & yes, even God. Unknowingly, weve sometimes become an accomplice in creating some of our own heartaches & pain. This is because weve allowed ourselves to become so emotionally & mentally caught up in, more influenced by our negative self-talk & judgments, as well as our mind traps or perhaps the unloving, untrue, negative tapes weve rehearsed & rewinded & played over & over spoken by others. Weve become distracted & more influenced by the problems & disappointments in “life” because weve inadvertently and sometimes purposely chosen to meditate & magnify “life” problems rather than magnifying the LIFE-GIVING, TRUE & ABUNDANT LIFE we have in & through the eternally safe, life-giving love of our DaddyGods fully displayed & eternally ours through the Finished Work of Jesus! When we declare & sing , ” I CHOOSE YOU “to the Author of Life, we CHOOSE LIFE & the BLESSING of His Abundant Life & His Promises !!! “Lord, as I CHOOSE YOU “~ I am stamped, sealed, set apart, marked with the YES of Your Son, JESUS, the Word of LIFE!! In Jesus, the Author of my LIFE & my DaddyGod, the Great Amens YES & my YES 222gether affirms & makes His YES ~ HIS LIFE ~ gloriously evident & a sure thing within me!!! Thank You, Holy Spirit that through the WORD OF LIFE, Youve stamped Your Covenant of Peace, Your eternal promise upon me ! As I CHOOSE YOU ~ I experience a sure beginning & the completion of what Youve destined my life to be in You, as I CHOOSE YOU !!!!!!!!!! Hebrews 7 Hebrews 12:2 Matthew 6:33 Philippians 4:8 Deuteronomy 30:15-20 Deuteronomy 11:26 2 Corinthians 1:20-22 ~ “Whatever God has promised gets stamped with the Yes of Jesus. In Him, this is what we preach and pray, the Great Amen, God’s Yes and our Yes together, gloriously evident. God affirms us, making us a sure thing in Christ, putting His Yes within us. By His Spirit, He has stamped us with His eternal pledge—a sure beginning of what he is destined to complete. “ Moving Your Invisible Boundaries, Jim B Richards, Impact Ministries, Chapter 20, as well as from cover to cover youll learn the key to Limitless Living in your heart & life To listen to, share or download your FREE MP3 of my Godsong, “I CHOOSE YOU” Godsongsheart2heart – I-choose-you To listen to or download your FREE MP3s or share of any of my Godsongs soundcloud/godsongsheart2heart/ OR via my Godsongs Website GodsongsHeart2Heart https://soundcloud/godsongsheart2heart/I-choose-you
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 22:31:28 +0000

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