SHATKARMA.................. SHATKARMA (Cleansing Techniques) We - TopicsExpress


SHATKARMA.................. SHATKARMA (Cleansing Techniques) We have six cleansing techniques in yogshastrai NETI, DHOTI, NYOLY, WASTI, TRATAK AND KAPALBHATI. NETI KRIYA (Cleansing the nasal passage) Four types of neti kriyas. JALA NETI, SUTRA NETI,DUGDHA NETI AND GHRTA NETI. JALA NETI : put pinch of rock salt in your neti pot and fill with luke warm water. Sit in kagasana and check which nose is free. Put neti pot on that hand and fix the nozzle of the pot in that nostril. Now tilt your head to the other side, open your mouth, to allow free breathing through mouth. Water will starts coming out from other nostril by gravity. Finish the whole pot from one side. Then starts from the other side and repeat the same process from other nostril. SUTRA NETI : Sit in kagasana with catheter of No.3 or 4 in your hand put the blunt side in the free nostril. Insert your right thumb and index in the mouth and catch the tip of the catheter at the back of the throat. Pull it out through out the mouth and starts massaging your nasal passage by catching the two ends of the catheter. Now remove the catheter from your mouth. Repeat it from other side also. DUGDHANETI AND GHRATANETI : Instead of jala, use milk or ghee from both the nostril, respectively. Benefits : Neti kriya cleans all five sense organs, to check their abuses. (KAMA, KRODHA, LOBHA, MOHA, AHANKARA) Neti kriya strengthen your lungs to check ASTHMA and BRONCHITES, it tunes the thyroid-parathyroid glands improves the sight, charges your brain (MEMORY), and gives glow on the face. DHOUTI KRIYA : (Cleansing the elementary canal) Three types of dhouti kriyas are there. VAMAN DHOUTI, VASTRA DHOUTI AND DANDA DHOUTI. VAMAN DHOUTI : take luke warm saline water. Sit in kagasana and starts drinking till it not starts coming out. Don’t stop with the vomiting sensation. Now stand up churn your stomach by twisting right and left, then bend your trunk forward at an angle tight and left, then bend your trunk forward at an angle 45. Press your stomach with both the hands and starts vomiting. If you can’t vomit, put your first three fingers in your mouth and press the inner edge of your tongue to vomit out all the water. Some times it follows the loose motion (two or three times). Don’t strain much if whole water doesn’t come out, water will come out through urine or intestines. VASTRA DHOUTI : take malmal cloth of four fingers broad and seven meters long, put it in the pot filled with water. Sit in kagasana and starts swallowing this wet cloth now slowly bring out this cloth with out force or strain. This whole process do under some expert master (YOGA GURU). If the vastra struck, drink some more water the release the spasm. DANDA DHOUTI : sit in kagasana and starts drinking luke warm water as in KUNJAR KRIYA or VAMAN DHOUTI. Starts inserting a rubber tube (DANDA) one c.m. in diameter and about one meter long to the throat, when it reaches the stomach slowly bend forward. Whole water will come out then bring out tube gently. Benefits: It cleans your whole elementary canal. It balance the VATA, PITTA AND COUGH. strengthens your abdominal muscles. It is useful for gastric problem and acidity. Note: All the watery kriyas should be performed early morning after cleansing the bowls. NAULI KRIYA : stand with slight forward bending hands on the thighs, looking straight, feet about one meter apart and bend your knees at 10 degrees. Exhale completely and contract your abdominal muscles. Press your hands against the thighs and have mock-inhalation by raising the ribs without allowing air to go into the lungs. By relaxing the abdominal muscles diaphragm rises up to from a concave depression of ten abdomen (UDDIYANA BANDH). Now in the same position starts moving your abdominal muscles in and out (PULL IN AND PUSH OUT) AGANISARKRIYA. Agnisarkriya (pull in and push out) brings the concentration of your abdominal muscles which stands out in the center, where other muscles of the abdomen are still in relaxed condition, (Madhyama nauli). When you are contracting the right rectus alone leaving the left rectus and other muscles relaxed. (DAKSHINANAULI) similarly you can perform [VAMA (left) NAULI]. When you are able to perform both of there nauli kriyas you can practice nauli chalan (moving of your rectum muscles) clock wise and anti clock wise. Benefits : nauli kriya promotes health of abdominal viscera. Endocrine glands in the abdomen are activated. Stimulates gastric fire, thus helping digestion. TRATAKA : (cleansing the eyes) sit in any comfortable posture, sidhasana or padamasana with spine erect. Now keep a burning candle at eye lever at a distance of about one meter. Starts gazing at the tip of the flame without winking the eye lids and not to blink your eyes. Don’t strain your eyes otherwise excessive strain can cause headache. Do deep breath and count it, start with ten breath and increase one breath daily. Benefit : TRATAK kriya improves your sight, cures the eye problems, activates the tear glands, strengthens your will power and promotes concentration . SHANKHA PRAKSHALANA : (COMPLETE BOWL WASH) Sit in kagasana and drink lukewarm saline water at least four glasses at a time Perform four dynamic exercises in the following order: Stand erect and raise your hands up vertical, stretch up your fingers and bend on your right from the waist then left. Repeat this process four times on each side. Stand erect and raise your hands in front horizontal palm facing each other, now turn left almost 180 degrees without moving your feet , then right . Repeat this process four times on each side. Bhujangasana (Cobra posture) four times right and four times left. Ardhmatsyendrasana four times right and four times left. It will cleans your bowel (by means of watery motions) Repeat the process till clean ( fresh ) water does not start coming out from your bowel. Do it at least 5-6 times. Note: Do this kriya under expert guidance. Must eat thin khichari (green dal with skin and rise) with desi ghee, don’t take any milk product at least for six days. Have only khichari diet for six days. Benefits: cleans your whole elementary canal. Balances VATA, PITTA and COUGH. (All three root causes of diseases.)Strengthens your all the abdominal muscles
Posted on: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 15:35:32 +0000

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