SHINING EVIDENCES WHICH SHOWS JESUS WAS NOT CRUCIFIED : 1. JESUS WAS RELUCTANT TO DIE! He had worked out a strategy of defence to repel the Jews. Because he wanted to remain ALIVE! 2. HE BESEECHED GOD FOR HELP. With strong crying and tears for God Almighty to keep him ALIVE! 3. GOD HEARD HIS PRAYERS Which means that God accepted his prayers to keep him ALIVE! [[ Hebrews 5:7 Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death, and was heard in that he feared; ]] 4. AN ANGEL OF GOD CAME TO STRENGTHEN HIM: In the hope and belief that God will save him ALIVE! 5- THE OTHER TWO — HIS CROSSMATES ON THEIR RESPECTIVE CROSSES WERE ALIVE. So Jesus too, for the same period of time must be ALIVE! 6. BIBLE ENCYCLOPEDIA — BLOOD AND WATER: the death of Christ being due not to the effects of crucifixion but to laceration or rupture of the heart as a consequence of supreme mental agony and sorrow. — Jesus was ALIVE! ( bibleencyclopedia/blood.htm ) 7. FORTHWITH CAME THERE OUT BLOOD AND WATER: Forthwith means straightaway, immediately which was a sure sign that Jesus was ALIVE! 8. LEGS NOT BROKEN — AS A FULFILMENT OF PROPHECY. Legs can be of any use only if Jesus was ALIVE! 9. THUNDERSTORM, EARTHQUAKE, AND DARKENING OF THE SUN ALL WITHIN 3 HOURS! To disperse the sadistic mob to enable his secret disciples to help, keep him ALIVE! 10. JEWS DOUBTED HIS DEATH: They suspected that he had escaped death on the cross — that he was ALIVE 11. PILATE MARVELS TO HEAR THAT JESUS WAS DEAD. He knew from experience that no man can die so soon by crucifixion. He suspected that Jesus was ALIVE! 12. STONE AND WINDING SHEETS HAD TO BE REMOVED: Only necessary if Jesus was ALIVE! 13. EVER IN DISGUISE! Disguise not necessary if Jesus was resurrected. Only necessary if he was ALIVE! 14. FORBADE MARY MACDALENE TO TOUCH HIM Touch me not for this reason that it would hurt; because he was ALIVE! 15. NOT YET ASCENDED UNTO MY FATHER In the language of the Jews, in the idiom of the Jews, he was saying, I am not dead yet, in other words, I am ALIVE! 16. MARY MAGDALENE NOT AFRAID ON RECOGNISING JESUS. Because she had seen signs of life before. She was looking for a Jesus who was ALIVE! 17. DISCIPLES PETRIFIED ON SEEING JESUS IN THE UPPER-ROOM. All their knowledge about the crucifixion was from hearsay, therefore, they could not believe that Jesus was ALIVE! 18. ATE FOOD AGAIN AND AGAIN IN HIS POST CRUCIFIXION APPEARANCES. Food only necessary if he was ALIVE! 19. NEVER SHOWED HIMSELF TO HIS ENEMIES. Because he had escaped death by the skin of his teeth. He was ALIVE! 20. TESTIMONY OF MEN AROUND THE TOMB: Why seek ye the living among the dead? — (Luke 24:4-5): That he is not dead, but ALIVE! Topical Bible: Blood biblehub To blood is ascribed in Scripture the mysterious sacredness which belongs to lif...See More Topical Bible: Blood To blood is ascribed in Scripture the mysterious sacredness which belongs to life, and God reserved it to himself when allowing man the dominion over and the use of the lower animals for food. Thus reserved, it acquires a double power: (1) that of sacrificial atonement; and (2) that of becoming a cu... BIBLEHUB.COM Topical Bible: Blood To blood is ascribed in Scripture the mysterious sacredness which belongs to life, and God reserved it to himself when allowing man the dominion over and the use of the lower animals for food. Thus reserved, it acquires a double power: (1) that of sacrificial atonement; and (2) that of becoming a cu... BIBLEHUB.COM
Posted on: Mon, 12 May 2014 14:43:33 +0000

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