SHOOT TO KILL POLICE OFFICERS AND THEIR DEADLY WOLF PACKS The real issue here is not Black Thugs . White Police Officers deal with White Thugs on a daily basis. There are many disrespectful and resistant White Criminals who literally spit in the Police Officers face. Just watch a show like Cops and you will see how many angry, drunk and disrespectful White suspects are cursing at Police Officers and refusing to cooperate. However no matter how big and muscular the White resister is or how fat loud and disrespectful the White Woman is, the Officers always manage to handle the situation without shooting or even the threat of shooting. The real issue that White-Americans are afraid of dealing with is the feasibility and necessity of White Police Officers in Black neighborhoods. To seriously address this question is to expose the delusion of integration and the melting pot and to acknowledge the truth that Americans are not ONE NATION or ONE PEOPLE. When the media compared Ferguson to Gaza Americans should have been outraged. However most understood the parallel. Upon entering an African-American neighborhood the average White Police Officer feels that he or she is entering enemy territory. Propelled by fear , anger and paranoia the White Police Officer suddenly transitions from a servant of the people to an aggressive survivalist whose sole purpose or mission is self preservation at any cost. Even at the expense of innocent lives. He justifies his insecurity, cowardliness and lack of professionalism by generalizing, demonizing and dehumanizing the people of whom he is supposed to be protecting. In his self deluded paranoia every Michael Brown becomes a Hulk Hogan demon monster. The now 5 year old Darren Wilson calls and pleads for help. However he is not calling for appropriate backup but rather he cries out to the super hero from within. Unloading 8 bullets the 5 year old now feels safe and sound as Darren Wilson has saved himself from himself. THE DEADLY WOLF PACK The Asthmatic giant (Eric Garner) is surrounded by a wolf pack of White Officers in a scene that mirrors the wild dog packs or hyenas who surround the towering Wildebeest. However the size of the Wildebeest offers him no advantage as the blood thirsty dogs strategically surround their prey. Each dog becomes a distracting annoyance biting and nipping from every angle. In time the Wildebeest does not know which way to turn and then suddenly a daring dogs leaps on the Wildebeests back but this time the lead dog will not let go. The rest of the pack now joins in. The giant Wildebeest has fallen. After several moments there is no sign of life. All breathing has stopped and the Wildebeest is dead. Eric Garner surrounded and killed by the Wolf Pack of White Police Officers https://youtube/watch?v=nGAeb9R_FFE Wildebeest surrounded and killed by Wolf Pack https://youtube/watch?v=PdngG4bdnZ8
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 12:51:51 +0000

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