SIERRA LEONE AND SIERRA LEONEANS CAN’T ANY LONGER AFFORD THE “AID FOR GAIN PROGRAMME IS A LIE HUMAN RIGHT WATCH, REPORT COMPLICATED. ” THE SO CALL HUMAN RIGHT WATCH” AND ON FRIDAY WILL PROUDLY PRESENT THE ONLY THING SIERRA LEONEANS HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR, THE 2018 ELECTIONS WHILES KNOWLEDGE IS IN THE SERVICE OF SIERRA LEONE BY THE INFORMATION MINISTRY, GET THE HELL OUT OF SIERRA LEONE, YOURS’ SO CALL HUMAN RIGHT WATCH, NO UNDERSTANDING WITH YOUR CURRENT REPORT, JUMPING, JUMPING. They want to divide our Nation Sierra Leoneans, get the hell out of this country, Dogs back too much. We know the African Language already ...Bullshit, Human Right Watch. Your concern is out of duties and never makes any sense, please; being sure in giving out correct title on Press Releases. You cannot divide our Nation and put the pen to your nose. Thank you And The Nigerian Ambassador, likewise the United States of America, are very in Impressed with the Media credibility by the Information Minister in Sierra Leone and is ready to pour Money in Strengthening the Media Systems of Sierra Leone. The Information Ministry boosting Journalism in Sierra Leone Some Journalists and some civil servants concluded some two days workshop Saturday, which involves training of the 1965 Public Order Act (POA) sponsored by the America Government.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Feb 2014 14:16:51 +0000

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