SINGLE,HAPPY AND PREPARING FOR MARRIAGE. PART 4 MAXIMISING YOUR SINGLEHOOD “Make hay while the sun shines” “Pray without ceasing” 1 Thessalonians 5:17 Another reasonable thing to do while waiting to be married is to SOW SEEDS OF PRAYERS into your marriage. “Don’t marry a sister or a brother who cannot pray for just ONE HOUR” Pastor E.A Adeboye Develop a praying life. If you are so lazy in praying, you better start now because you will desperately need it to hold your marriage in future. “A praying woman is a very powerful wife” “A praying man is a champion” I attended a singles program way back in the university whereby the pastor kept pleading and admonishing us to pray for our marital life. He told us never to think it is too early to pray about everything that has need to do with our marriage. Now I know the message he was trying to pass across. This is the right time to plan your future by your prayers. Your prayers can give you the real picture of your future family. Decree and declare against DIVORCE, MISCARRIAGES, STILLBIRTH, SUDDEN DEATH IN THE HOME, CRISIS, and BARRENESS… Pray for the health of your future family, blessing of God, God-glorifying children, blissful home etc It is not safe to wait till you are married before you will start serious prayers for your home. *Dedicate a special time of the week for a fast and prayer for your future home.* Some married women are wishing they had prayed enough before getting married! “Don’t pray only when you feel like it. Have an appointment with the Lord and keep it daily. A man is powerful on his knees. You may as soon find a living man that doesn’t breathe, as a living Christian that doesn’t pray. Pray so that you will not pray. Matthew 7:7, Psalms. 141:2, 86:6, 6:9 and Isaiah 55:6. Shalom
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 08:26:57 +0000

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