SIR JALALUDDIN LAUDER BRUNTON was a Scottish physician (14 March - TopicsExpress


SIR JALALUDDIN LAUDER BRUNTON was a Scottish physician (14 March 1844 – 16 September 1916) ...I eventually took up the study of the life of Prophet Muhammad. I knew very little of what he did, but I knew and felt that the Christians with one voice condemned the celebrated Prophet of Arabia. I was now determined to look into the matter without the spectacles of bigotry and malice. After a little time I found that it was impossible to doubt the earnestness of his search for Truth and God. I felt that it is wrong, in the extreme, to condemn this Holy Man after reading his great achievements for humanity. People who were wild idol-worshipers, living in crime, filth and nakedness, he taught them how to dress, filth was replaced by cleanliness, and they acquired personal dignity and self-respect, hospitality became a religious duty, their idols were destroyed and they worship the True and only one God. Islam became the most powerful Total Abstinence Association in the world. And many other good works were accomplished which are too numerous to be mentioned. In the face of all this and his own purity of mind, how sad to think that such a Holy Messenger of God should be run down by the Christians. I became deeply thoughtful, and during my moments of meditation an Indian gentleman named Mian Amiruddin came on a visit, and strangely enough it was he who fanned the fire of my life into a flame. I pondered over the matter a great deal brought one argument after the other bearing upon the Christian’s present day religion and I concluded in favour of Islam, feeling convinced of its truth, simplicity, toleration, sincerity and brotherhood. I have now but a little time to live upon this earth and I mean to devote my all to Islam. Sir Jalaluddin Lauder Brunton was educated at University of Edinburgh and Oxford University. He was knighted in 1900 and made a baronet in 1908.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 20:38:18 +0000

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