SIX GREAT THINGS A NIGERIAN STUDENT SHOULD DO DURING THIS ASUU STRIKE (DON`T WASTE YOUR PRECIOUS TIME) Instead of wasting this time, instead of waiting for ASUU or FG, you can choose to do any of the following during this ASUU strike 1. Acquire a skill: This one is a no-brainer, there’s all kinds of stuff you can learn in a few months, and some in just weeks. How about using that time to improve your IT skills, learn a new language, pick up a musical instrument, receive lessons in Kung Fu?…seriously. If money’s a concern, there are truckloads of free/subsidized learning resources, if you know how to look. It will surprise you where these skills will prove useful down the road. 2. Get a job : That’s right, get a job. With what certificate, you ask? Who says you need a certificate to get a job? There has to be something you know how to do, get out there and look for someone that needs a hand at their office or company, even if you’re going to work for your father and for free. Yeah I said it, work for free if you have to. 3. Start a business: Although it seems like a more glamorous alternative to getting a job, this one is far more challenging and is certainly not for everyone. However, even those who start and fail would have learnt invaluable life and business lessons that only such an experience can teach. 4. Become a volunteer: Aside from the feeling of accomplishment and fulfillment that comes from serving humanity, volunteering can be one of the most rewarding activities you can engage in, given the potentially high levels of training, travel and connections that such platforms expose you to. What’s more, most volunteer organizations have programs specially tailored for young and student volunteers that allow you to conveniently sustain your volunteer activities even while you’re in school. Examples? HIV awareness platforms/NGOs, Red Cross, Organizations that care for the homeless, paraplegics, convicts, etc. 5. Attend seminars and industry events - You might not know it, but there are always interactions and discussions going on around your chosen discipline on many levels, manifesting themselves in seminars, trainings, meetups, exhibitions, expos, symposia, book readings, concerts and much more. A lot of these are free or subsidized, especially for students, and again there is the opportunity to gain exposure and make valuable connections. 6. Work on that idea: You know what I’m talking about. That song that came to you in the shower. That niggling question that your lecturer refused to (or couldn’t) answer. That book manuscript that has been gathering dust in the corner of your wardrobe. Those ideas that you’ve been too busy going to school to explore. Now is the time to work on those things. You might never get a better opportunity. .....USE YOUR TIME WISELY...... *PEACE*
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 15:38:16 +0000

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