SLAVERY THEN SLAVERY TODAY HOW IS IT DIFFERENT HOW IS IT THE SAME Free at last free at last! Or are WE?? Seem like throughout America’s history freedoms are given and freedoms are taken away! The Supreme Court” has held freedom up and then kept a maybe more will come maybe not attitude! Minorities fought and died for voter right only to get “Voter Suppression Laws”! In Florida two white police officer attack a 14 year old black half naked male on a beach. Choking the teen until he urinated in front of his mother. His crime looking at the police officers with dehumanizing stare! If truth what happen to freedom of speech ? What happen to child abuse? What happen to freedom? I remember reading that in America’s history white Americans travel to Africa to track and capture Africans.....HUMAN BEING”! They brought them back to America and enslave them with violent for profit! “GOVERNMENT APPROVE" Slavery was America’s first “Welfare Program” for whites ONLY! Black slaves work for free whites work for money. Under the first Government “Affirmative Action Program” it establish first hire last fire” for whites! Only experience needed was being born white! There was “NO” hard work....”NO” “pulling yourself up by your boot straps”. Merit and qualifications had nothing to do with whites ability of being hire for a job! Today slavery is still alive and well in America but taking on a different form! Whites are still in authority and determining the direction of America’s Democracy! Americans are still divided by race and class and politic! All Americans suffer because of white racism! Sean Hannity of “Fox News” had a group of black Republican on his show. He open up the program by demonizing the Democrat Party. Playing up Republican rhetoric of how blacks have not benefited from the first black President! The entire program touch on crime poverty race and getting more blacks to become Republicans!! The truth there is more crime and poverty in white neighborhoods then all other race of Americans! Forty three white only male only Republican or Democrat pass President have done nothing to prevent high poverty and crime in white neighborhoods. Nor did the country ever see a group of white people demanding. Any white President fix crime and poverty in white neighborhoods because the President was white! What Sean Hannity and the group of black Republican “DID NOT” acknowledge. Was the racist and discrimination mentality against blacks in America under 43 male only white only past Presidents! For some stupid reason all the black Republican and Sean Hannity.Tried to imply that the first black President should have corrected what 43 past white Presidents “NEVER” attempted to do! Bottom line slavery today is in the form of unfair and bias imprisonment of blacks! Slavery today comes in the form of housing and bank loans. Charging blacks higher interest rates and higher insurance. Slavery today come in (DWB) Driving While Black (WWB) Walking While Black” the unemployment rate of 16.%. While the national employment is 7,5%! Slavery come in the form of “Stop & Frisk “ Stand Your Ground Laws“” Make My Day Laws” “ Voter Suppression Laws”. Like past”White Slave Owners” that whipped black slaves “TODAY” police officers beat taser “UNARMED” “NON-COMBATIVE” blacks! “SLAVERY THEN SLAVERY TODAY HOW IS IT DIFFERENT HOW IS IT THE SAME” ! Are black looking at and acknowledging today’s slavery of blacks? Where is the “UNITED NATION” ? Why is it that American can condemn mis-treatment of Iraqi and Afghanistan and Syria citizen. But are silent about American on American mis-treatment?????
Posted on: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 15:13:38 +0000

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