SLIMMING SECRETS FROM AROUND THE WORLD! Folks in countries - TopicsExpress


SLIMMING SECRETS FROM AROUND THE WORLD! Folks in countries with the lowest obesity rates don’t necessarily work out or deny themselves their favorite foods. Turns out many just add certain foods and spices to their daily diets, tricks that modern research confirms make you slimmer and healthier! Japan’s slimming secret: Eating “miracle” noodles! For centuries, folks in Japan have been eating shirataki (noodles made from yam), one of the reasons for their low obesity rate. The noodles, which have only five calories per ounce, contain a soluble fiber that acts like a sponge in the stomach, swelling to 17 times it weight! Result: You don’t get hungry for hours! Translucent shirataki noodles are tasteless, but absorb flavorings. Rinse them in cold water and heat in broth. Find shirataki at Asian markets, and in supermarkets next to tofu. Scandinavia’s slimming secret: Switching your bread! Scandinavians rank right behind the French as the thinnest and fittest Europeans. And while they do eat bread every day – normally considered a diet buster – folks in the cold North choose dark rye bread, which has a unique fiber that expands in your GI tract, preventing hunger and steadying blood sugar levels by improving insulin secretion and keeping you full for eight hours straight! Opt for dark rye bread over other breads, rolled rye flakes in place of oatmeal, cooked rye berries in place of rice, and rye flour for ¼ of the flour in recipes for baked goods. Thailand’s slimming secret: Cooking with curry! Thailand’s zesty curry dishes are loaded with turmeric, a yellow spice shown to flush out fat and crank up metabolism. Its main component, curcumin, is proven to suppress the growth of fat tissue in the body. And Columbia University research suggests it helps the liver purge stored fats and reduces inflammation and blood-sugar levels. Use turmeric from your grocery’s spice aisle in stir-fries; add a pinch to cooked rice and stir with a fork, or buy curcumin capsules and take as directed. China’s slimming secret: Drinking oolong tea! This traditional Chinese brew turbocharges your metabolism. In fact, USDA researchers say that drinking a cup a day automatically burns 67 calories – equal to 10 minutes of aerobic exercise! No wonder a Chinese study found sipping two cups a day can help you melt up to a pound of fat a week! Find oolong tea in supermarkets. South Korea’s slimming secret: Eating a spicy condiment! In South Korea, only 3 % of the population carry extra pounds! Credit kimchi, a condiment containing three metabolism-boosters: fermented cabbage, garlic, and chili peppers. Koreans eat 40 pounds per person per year either alone, with rice and noodles, or atop everything from eggs to pizza – so they don’t needs other high-calorie, fat-filled flavorings (like mayonnaise, oil-based dressings or butter). Pick up a jar of kimchi in the refrigerated section of Asian and whole-food markets and some supermarkets. Eat it in place of pickles or use it to spice up soups, scrambled eggs, and stir-fries. Italy’s slimming secret: Drinking coffee! The caffeine in coffee revs metabolism, amping fat burn up to 15%. It also increases mood and energy, so you’re more likely to be active. But decaf lovers rejoice: It’s not just the caffeine that’s slimming; coffee’s numerous antioxidants boosts production of insulin, the hormone that keeps blood sugar – and cravings – in check. So sipping even decaf coffee before breakfast reduces your appetite 35% for the entire day! Drink your coffee as the Italians do, without milk, cream, or sugar! France’s slimming secret: Enjoying a glass of wine! Women who drink one or two glasses of red wine a day are half as likely to be chubby as their teetotaling counterparts, reports The Archives of Internal Medicine. No wonder the French, who sip wine daily, have the lowest rate of obesity in Europe! Compounds in red wine helps your body metabolize fat and melt fat stored in tissues, plus turn on a fat-burning gene! Stop at two glasses a day; women in the study who drank more actually gained weight! NOTE: This article was from Woman’s World magazine!!!
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 10:06:48 +0000

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