SMALL LEAPS OF FAITH: The kabbalists teach that this is an - TopicsExpress


SMALL LEAPS OF FAITH: The kabbalists teach that this is an incredibly special week, energetically speaking. The infamous story of the Red Sea miraculously splitting in two, happened this week in biblical history. We teach at The Kabbalah Centre that this is not just a story about biblical figures, but it is actually about us. The story is a deeply profound code for how to handle challenges that seem as insurmountable to us as the parting of a body of water. When Moses first asks The Creator to part the sea, The Creator responds, “Why are you asking me?” When we face challenges, we tend to cry out for help. We pray or we beg the universe to make a miracle happen. What this story teaches us is that it’s actually in our hands to make miracles happen. This spiritual principle is illuminated later in the story, when one of the Israelites decides to charge into the waters. It isn’t until he is near complete submersion that the waters begin to miraculously part. To allow for the miracle to take place, it required a leap of faith. Waiting for the universe to fix our problems for us will never solve anything. It’s when we gather the courage to face our problems that the universe will shift to intervene on our behalf. No challenge is impossible to overcome. This week there is an energy available that can help us take the necessary steps to face those challenges head on. With small leaps of faith, we can create big miracles. #yehuda_berg
Posted on: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 15:54:03 +0000

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