SMALLPOX NOT CAUSED BY GERMS WILLIAM BUCHAN, M.D. DOMESTIC MEDICINE 1792 To get the truth about smallpox you have to read what someone who was there had to say . Someone who treated smallpox cases. Who ate, drank, bathed, and was with them when they had the smallpox. CHAP. XX III OF THE SMALPOX. “Children are most liable to this disease; and those whose food is unwholesome, who want proper exercise, and abound with gross humours, run the greatest hazard from it.” Nothing more certainly relieves the patient, or is more beneficial in the small-pox than a plentiful discharge of urine. During the rising of the smallpox, it frequently happens that the patient is eight or ten days without a stool. This not only tends to heat and inflame the blood, but the feces, by lodging so long in the body, become acrid, and even putrid; from which bad consequences must ensure.” Nature generally attempts to relieve the patient by loose stools. Her endeavors this way are by no means to be counteracted, but promoted and the patient at the same time supported by food and drink of a nourishing nature.” Jim’s comment. So lets analyze what happen. First of all its children who mostly get the smallpox, and these children are sick and mal-nourished. This is obviously a disease caused by mal-nutrition. Then the doctor says that the body is attempting to eliminate the poison by “plentiful discharge of urine.” Also says kids are constipated and don’t get much exercise. The doctor understands that the putrid faces is not good and will cause more problems. He then correctly says that the loose stools should not be stopped, but allowed to go on. Then he incorrectly says to feed the patient. In putting it all together we have children not being fed right, developing a toxic body and being told to eat while the body is trying to eliminate the poison. No wonder so many children died during that period. When you know this do you really think a germ is responsible for the children’s dis-ease? This is a 600 page book. The doctor had a good idea of the cause of disease, but was totally ignorant of the simple concept, we are what we eat. The next paragraph he describes the conditions of living in the 1700s. “In many great towns the streets are little better than dunghills, being frequently covered with ashes, dung, and nastiness of every kind. Even slaughterhouses, or killing animals, are often to be seen in the very center of a great towns. The putrid blood, excrements, with which their places are generally covered, cannot fail to taint the air, and render it unwholesome. We are sorry to say, that the importance of cleanliness does not seem to be understood by the magistrates of most great towns in Britain. The peasants in most countries seem to hold cleanliness in contempt. One seldom sees a farm-house without a dunghill before the door, and frequently the cattle lodged under the same roof.” According to the germ theory, everybody in England should have been wiped out. This 600 page book continues to tell of the filth and rottenness of the towns and the people. You can imagine the food they ate without refrigeration. 0
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 07:55:12 +0000

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