SMARTPHONE USERS NOW HAVE THEIR OWN WALKING LANE IN CHINA. In so many developed and even developing countries and territories, there are lanes for pedestrians, lanes for bicycles, others for motorcycles, tricycles and another for other types of vehicles like cars, buses, trucks etc, but do you know that theres a place in China that boasts a different type of lane altogether ? Probably, you never knew before. This city has a lane for Smartphone addicts i.e. those that have their (e)y(e)s glued to their Smartphones screen always, yes, i mean always. According to QQ, the cellphone lane at the bottom was spotted in a place called Foreigner Street in Chongqing city, one of the five major cities in China. The sidewalk was most likely painted for everyones safety, because, if theres distracted driving, theres also distracted walking, as perfectly demonstrated by the woman in the video below. /smartphone-addicts-now-have-their-own.html Engadget also made mention of an experiment that the National Geographic performed earlier this year, in July to be precise. The society stenciled NO CELLPHONES on one-half of a DC sidewalk and CELLPHONES: WALK IN THIS LANE AT YOUR OWN RISK on the other half. So, whats the result ? National Geographic found out that the people actually glued to their phones didnt even notice the markings at all. Isnt it hilarious ? Extremely... Even though there is a city that has a sidewalk lane for phone addicts in China, there are still thousands of cities that doesnt have, so please be very careful where you use your phone.Dont chat, text or use your phone without paying attention when on the main road. We can only enjoy our smartphones when we are safe and in good health. SOURCE: /smartphone-addicts-now-have-their-own.html
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 23:53:21 +0000

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