...SMOKE...! Lets assume your friend comes visiting and you need - TopicsExpress


...SMOKE...! Lets assume your friend comes visiting and you need to prepare a meal for him/her, but the only means is to use firewood. Then you feel you can devise a means of doing it secretly so that your visitor in the room wont know that you are using firewood...but also, the only available space to carry out this, is the space directly behind the window of the room where your friend is! Then you set out, put the sticks together and set it on fire! You then noticed the smoke emanating from it, and start looking for ways to cover it so as to prevent it from entering the room where your friend is, OR to prevent him/her from perceiving the odour;... Will that be possible? NO!!! The best is, either to tell your friend directly that you are using firewood OR let the smoke get in so as to detect herself and see how she can assist you; isnt it? WE NEED TO BE REAL!!! So also is our CHARACTER! It is like smoke, cannot be hidden...it will definitely find its way out! So many singles today are: talkative, stubborn, proud, lousy, dirty, lazy, abusive, etc...and when you tell them to stop these acts/ prayerfully deal with it; they say: This is who I am, if the man/woman cant take me this way, let him/her go...Take you with these negatives that God frowns at and you can deal with but shying away from? Doesnt these negatives even tarnish your profession of being a child of God? You keep saying thats who you are, when Gods Word admonishes us to have the fruits of the Spirit? God will not give His faithful children to someone who will rubbish His anointing upon them. Imagine a brother saying: Id rather go for a low class lady in everything but with a good/ godly character, than a high-class lady with a bad character who will give me a bad name---imagine???Do I blame him? NO! Because, experience has shown how bad character either from the husband/ or especially wives have destroyed many homes today. No matter the achievements, beauty, gifts, anointing, how famous you are; without a godly character, it is RUBBISH! Every child of God needs to daily pray and ask for the fruits of the Spirit! Galatians 5:22-26 talks expressly on this! As it is for men, so it is for women! By their fruits, we shall know them. My dear brothers/ sisters; single or in courtship; be real! If you feel you can hide in courtship, marriage will reveal your true state because the smoke will always find its way out! Avoid pretence! Let those flaws be seen so that you can get help now! No man/ woman will like to have a husband/wife with a bad character. Your beauty/gifts may attract a person, but your character will determine how long he/she will stay! So many singles today, keep going to mountains/ vigils, praying for a life-partner, but I tell you that most times the problem and solution lies in our hands; so many times, theres a negative character God has been drawing our attention to that needs to be dealt with before He reveals/brings that husband/wife to us. Beloved, we all need to work on ourselves! Lets do our part as God does HIS! Lets diligently and faithfully prepare ourselves for marriage and not just keep fantasising and dreaming of the wedding ceremony, the type of gowns, the dance steps, the wedding night...etc! Are we reflecting Gods beauty? Does our character bring glory to God or prevent sinners from serving God? CHARACTER IS LIKE SMOKE; IT CANNOT BE HIDDEN! Dont give that man/ woman a reason to doubt Gods leading because of your bad character! PRAYERFULLY DEAL WITH IT NOW!
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 21:04:07 +0000

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