SMUGGLING 3 OF 4 I was talking to a SLED agent about why his - TopicsExpress


SMUGGLING 3 OF 4 I was talking to a SLED agent about why his department wouldn’t investigate these inmate problems when I first told them about it two years ago. I said, “At least help me keep this people away from my home. My mom is dying, has cancer. Shes afraid of these people. I’m afraid if it continues I will do something stupid and end up in jail, leaving her to die alone.” He told me I didn’t understand how things work. SLED only investigates crimes. This was 2012, four years after I started pursuing this. Two years after I “thought” I had contacted SLED about it. Why keep after this so long? They kept after me. They wouldn’t leave my family alone even after I stopped telling people about it. They just kept coming. So now, after they took all I had, my job, my working reputation, slandered me, telling people I’m crazy and a liar. But, mostly because they took my moms peace of mind, attacked us, when we were most vulnerable, as she lay dying. I keep after them. Do this in hopes by telling this story, over and over, they won’t try to do the same thing to you and yours. That, one day, it may make a difference. They will stop rewarding these criminals for the crimes they commit, the lives they take, just so these powerful people can make an illegal dollar at our expense. They wanted and still want to silence me. When that didn’t work. They knew, because I had and continue to draw so much attention to this, that if they had or do take me out, it would bring even more attention to what they were doing here. I realize that idea may sound ridiculous to some. But, if they were, and still are, making big bucks by doing this and I was, or am, interfering with that, it could happen. It has happened to others, in the past. I told the SLED agent, well if you people only investigate crimes, is it a crime to go for a swim in the city pool? He said no. I continued, well why was SLED in town investigating that inmate, that convicted killer, being allowed to swim in the city pool two years ago. Isn’t it true, the only reason you people showed up was because the TV cameras were here? He said no, there was a criminal element in that case. I asked what that was. He said he couldn’t recall that at the moment. I knew he was lying. I then asked. Did the Sheriff give you that evidence notebook, that video, I gave him to turn over to you people two years ago. He said yes, we got it. I knew he was lying again. I had just received the results of a freedom of information request from SLED headquarters that day, saying they had no such information. The reporter shows that letter in his news report.
Posted on: Sat, 14 Sep 2013 13:46:22 +0000

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