SO ON THE EVE OF THE SCOTTISH REFERENDUM ON INDEPENCE I’D LIKE TO SHARE SOME OF MY THOUGHTS. I’M GOING TO WRITE THEM IN LOWER CASE (SHOCK HORROR!) JUST SO YOU KNOW HOW SERIOUS I CONSIDER THIS MATTER: Tomorrow the biggest mistake in recent times could be made by western civilization. One group of human beings could once again erect a border between themselves and another group of scarcely distinguishable human beings. Scotland’s departure from the UK would illustrate perfectly the weakness and stupidity mankind still possesses – one foot on the moon and one foot still in the cave as it were. Our selfish genes have made us selfish beings. Our intuitive response in our natural state of anarchy caused us to retreat, to ‘go it alone’, when we wanted to better or protect ourselves, yet we soon learnt how irrational this course of action was. We lived life in a constant state of fear and war when we, the individual, remained divided in the state of nature (no prizes for guessing this is Hobbes!). Through division we have experienced only conflict. We were unable to ensure neither our most basic need of security nor our most profound want of progress. Recognizing this logic we created the state. Under the reign of law, under a state that existed conditionally to ensure the security for every individual we were able to live happier and more peaceful lives. Yet the state of anarchy wasn’t eradicated completely. An international state of anarchy still existed and still exists today. It was states, fuelled by both religious and nationalist ideology, caught in an international state of anarchy that caused the two infamous world wars – in fact it has been the main cause of all wars before and since then besides religion. With no higher authority to mediate in their disputes, with the power to enforce international laws and punish states that violated it, states were free to do what they wanted, and still are. It was for exactly this reason the European Union (EU) was created, to bring to and end international anarchy on the continent and bring all of Europe under the reign of law, under a United States of Europe. Slowly, Europe and the rest of the world have developed a state of amnesia and ignorance. They have forgotten the writings of Hobbes, Locke, Kant and Einstein. They have forgotten the true causes of WWI and II and the failure of international organizations. Instead the dark nonsensical passions of nationalism have reemerged advocating division rather than unity, as we’ve seen also in this country by the rise of the moronic party UKIP and the equally moronic SNP. If Scotland break tomorrow and succeed in their illogical bid for independence then the dominoes in Europe will fall. Catalonia, the Basque region, Flanders, maybe even Wales will fall victim to this tried, tested and failed thesis of secession. If this were to happen international anarchy will be enriched and humans would have taken a very dangerous step back in time. In short, no one will win tomorrow. Even if the UK remains intact the state as we know it today has become an obstacle to peace rather than a guardian of it. If we want to create free and just societies and civilizations we must move forward, and forward is UNITY! As humans that seek peace and prosperity for ourselves and every individual alike I bid we tear down barriers, not raise them. A halo won’t appear above the head of Alex Salmond tomorrow, nor will they appear above the heads of every Scot should they achieve independence tomorrow. They bear the same weaknesses all of us bear, as will their prospective government and political and economic system. Crucially, however, they also bear the same strength we’re all lucky to have (some of us more than others), and that strength is reason. Through their reason I hope the majority of Scots will see that unity is the only way forward for humanity and that they remember the horrific consequences of division Europe experienced a century ago. UNITY NOW! PEACE NOW! I’ll leave it to the great late Carl Sagan to sum up the rest of my feelings on Scottish independence in this incredible video I’ve shared below….
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 19:36:14 +0000

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