SO! We have a KING instead of a President! Whoda thunk - TopicsExpress


SO! We have a KING instead of a President! Whoda thunk it? There has been a PLAN, IN WRITING, to destroy America since at least Woodrow Wilson. They believe in EVOLUTION, not REVOLUTION. Its called the New World Order, and it is no tinfoil conspiracy theory. IT IS FACT. If you truly believe the GOP will impeach Obama, do I have a bridge to sell you! The GOP in all likelihood, will CAVE to Obama and not impeach. And even if they do impeach, the votes needed for conviction in the Senate JUST. ARENT. THERE. Weve already been conquered. NOW, AT THIS POINT, we need to identify WHODUNNIT. DO NOT LISTEN TO ANYONE who says we did it to ourselves. NO: We have not done this to ourselves. We have been conquered from within by the Federal Reserve, foreign banks and corporations. AND THEIR MINIONS, most notably the mainstream news media, their puppets and lackeys. I dont foresee a military coup at this point, because BOTH SIDES have already been bought out. While were being wiped out, theyll be in their gate-enclosed armored redoubts---until they get divided and conquered themselves. STAY INFORMED.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 20:56:59 +0000

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