SOME THOUGHTS ON OUR BELOVED PETS AND ANIMALS The godly are concerned for the welfare of their animals -- Proverbs 12:10 For all the animals of the forest are mine, and I own the cattle on a thousand hills. Every bird of the mountains and all the animals of the field belong to me -- Psalm 50:10-11 A LITTLE BACKGROUND: So, yesterday Thanna took our neighbors cat to the Vet for a shot. When she drove up to the front door, she heard a loud, pain-filled scream. She looked up to see a man leaving the Vets with his beloved dog, wrapped in a blood-soaked towel. The poor thing had died in surgery and the man was in total shock and grief. Later we drove to a local nursing home to visit a neighbor who has been there for several weeks. She lives alone and has two cats. We (mostly Thanna) have been caring for them. Thanna had made a video of the cats and we showed it to her -- she cried. And she held our hands, thanking us deeply for loving and caring for her much loved boys. It is easy to see that both this sweet woman and her cats are grieving because they are not together. Lots of folks grieve deeply for their pets when they die. I know I have. Is that wrong? I dont think so. Was it not God who made these creatures, provided them for our companionship and then made them so endearing to us? In turn, many pets have grieved themselves even to death when their human companions have died. SOME OPINIONS: So, I have a few opinions I will leave you with. This is not meant to be full of theology, just my reasoning and opinions -- please take it as that: * If God places an animal in your life, remember this: They are a part of your life, but for the most part, you are their life! If you dont think so, just watch how they react when you return home after being gone for awhile. * In the Genesis account, God created animals and said, It is good. He made provision for their species to survive the flood and be part of the new post-flood earth. He was concerned for the animals when he discussed the destruction of Nineveh with Jonah (4:11). In the commandments, he made provisions for them to rest on the seventh day. He lays claim to all of them more than once in the Psalms. If God cares, is it not appropriate that we care? * I appreciate Joni Eareckson Tada when she writes about Heaven and our pets. If God brings our pets back to life, it wouldnt surprise me. It would be just like Him. It would be totally in keeping with His generous character...Exorbitant. Excessive. Extravagant in grace after grace. John Piper wrote this poem about the world to come: And as I knelt beside the brook To drink eternal life, I took A glance across the golden grass, And saw my dog, old Blackie, fast As she could come. She leaped the stream-- Almost--and what a happy gleam Was in her eye. I knelt to drink, And knew that I was on the brink Of endless joy. And everywhere I turned I saw a wonder there. Of course, I am not sure how it will all work in paradise restored, but my heart would love to see my much loved animal friends there. I do know it will not surprise me, just based upon the extravagant grace God has showed me in this life. I do know this: The godly are concerned for the welfare of their animals (Proverbs 12:10). So, there are some of my thoughts. What do you think? PS: I highly recommend the book HEAVEN authored by Randy Alcorn. In chapters 39 and 40, he has much to say about animals in heaven.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 11:15:40 +0000

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