SOME THOUGHTS TO CONSIDER(I did not create this but I support - TopicsExpress


SOME THOUGHTS TO CONSIDER(I did not create this but I support this..): First off, please do not type any comments below this message. Ill delete them, even if I agree. Secondly, this is not the standard sort of thing I would post on my wall, and I dont expect to get anything out of it but grief. Im saying it because I figure Im a bit of a coward if I dont. This is not a personal attack on anyone, and Im NOT planning to start deleting friends on Facebook, or in real life. This is an attack on liberalism in general, not just Democrats. Almost all Democrats on the national level are scum, but a huge number of Republicans are as well. This is against all liberals, regardless of party. Its not usually my way to be in peoples face about things. I would usually rather just try to be as good an example of a person as I can manage to be, but I feel compelled to state the truth. Im deeply depressed by state of things. For years I have heard things will eventually get bad enough that people will wake up, but it never happens. It never happens because people dont wish to wake up. They would rather believe a sweet sounding lie over harsh truth. Truthfully, I dont really have much faith that people will wake up because of Obamacare, but I do have a few faint glimmers that at least some of the drones are figuring out that everything that they have been warned about is the truth, and everything they were promised is a lie. I have heard several hardcore liberals recently who actually tried to sign up for the backward law who admitted, at least mostly, to the truth after first hand experience. However, on the other hand, I actually heard a deranged liberal this afternoon preaching that the Constitution granted Imminent Domain over all our bodies to the government. The same liberal Fascists who can dehumanize children, just like Nazis did with their victims, to justify murder in the name of “A womans right to choose,” and who claim they want to keep the government out of the bedroom, see no problem with handing over not only their bodies, but everyones body to government bureaucrats and politicians. Once you create an account on the exchanges, you cant delete it, and the government says all your confidential medical information will be available for the IRS and law enforcement. You can also look forward to answering all sorts of personal questions when you visit the doctor about what you do in the bedroom which will be placed in those records. And heres a little prediction for you. Government medicine is doomed to fail, as it always does, but this failure is intentional. As some have been predicting for a while, the implementation of Obamacare will be so bad, the government will actually use it as an excuse to justify implementing a single payer system, which after this disaster, will, at least at first, appear to be better. If the government and media chorus of excuses and justifications for single payer start increasing soon, you will know that just another warning you received from rational conservatives was correct. The excuses will likely be things like blaming insurers, lack of participation by young healthy people, interference from conservatives, or even the states. Im already going on way too long, but I just have to point out that the government is openly saying their healthcare system is dependent on healthy people paying lots of money to give cheap or free healthcare to others. Do you not realize thats the very definition of a ponzi scheme? If you or I devised such a program, the government would throw us in jail. Its what Bernard Madoff was convicted of. But let liberals devise such a plan, and we are expected to believe it will be great and nothing could possible go wrong. Need I remind folks that the ponzi scheme called Social Security is bankrupt, and that those of us who are still relatively young have almost no chance of seeing the money we are forced to pay into the scheme when we retire? But this hardly the only example of the liberals inability to think logically. Another recent example involves the debt ceiling crisis. I have had talks with liberals were they will give credit for the balanced budget in the 90s to Clinton, while at the same time time screaming that if we dont increase our debt drastically we are going to default. Obviously for rational people, the multiple logical lapses there are obvious, but to liberals, they dont even begin to pick up on the obvious inconstancy. During the Clinton years the Democrats were making the same arguments they make today about the need to increase spending, but when their predictions didnt come true, and in fact, the budget was balanced, which was very popular, they took credit for it. Democrats continued spending like crazy when they regained legislative power in 06. However, Bush was President, and though he gave liberals most everything they wanted, liberals attacked their own spending as Bushs spending. (Yes I know the Republicans had already started spending too much themselves before 06, and I know much of Bushs agenda was liberal before 06) Of course Bush caved into it, and, of course, conservatives were ticked off that Republicans were acting just like liberals. But, now, we can play old soundbites of Obama, and most every other Democrat politician, attacking spending and raising the debt ceiling in the last years of the Bush Presidency, and then play current soundbites claiming that if somehow we stop increasing our debt, then we will default on our debt. Of course, increasing debt is actually exactly what will cause us to default. How could any thinking person believe that not adding new debt, would cause us to be unable to pay the debt we already owe? And liberals cant possibly believe in balanced budgets if they argue at the exact same time we must increase debt or the world will end. But regardless of whats going on, liberals cant seem to objectively analyze their own conflicting beliefs. Cognitive dissonance, thy name is liberal. The hatred liberals have for each other is also something to roll the eyes at. No matter what branch of socialism a liberal follows, be it Fascism, Communism, Jacobins, Leninism, Maoism, progressive, etc., they all believe basically the same backward nonsense, and the differences are little more than academic in the end. They all come to the same horrifying destructive conclusion. And yes, despite most of a century of rewriting history to say otherwise, the Fascists were far left wing. Stalin was the first one to switch from calling fascism the path to communism, to reactionary. Liberalism has so many names and reinventions precisely because its such a failure. Liberalism is not progress, its just making the same mistakes and calling it something different. The idea of social progress is itself an illusion. The truth is that there really is nothing new under the sun. There will be no man made utopias, and history is just a matter of doing the same thing over and over again with varying levels of good and bad. And history has shown that though it will have faults, the best society is a free society with an extremely limited government and a high expectation of personal responsibility and strong private charity. All of liberalism is founded on a rejection of reality, and a blind faith in either the self, or mankind in general. Despite of all the evidence to the contrary, liberals have faith that with the right people, or right circumstances, government can become a greater force for good than a force of destruction. The truth, however, is that people are evil sinners, and that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Government is evil, and the more power it gets, the more likely it is to use that power badly. To quote George Washington, “Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire it is a dangerous servant, and a fearful master.” Liberals act like conservatives are crazy to fear government, while its in fact liberals who are ignoring all of the destruction of human history, and operating on blind faith. Self worshiping liberals are the path of the worldly. Its the quick and easy path of least resistance. They dont want to be called names by liberals who claim to do everything for the greater good, or it just feels good to believe in unicorns farting rainbows, regardless of what actually happens. But look at the horrors perpetrated by liberalism on black Americans. Despite poor conditions in the past, the black family is in far worse shape today than it was before liberal programs of the last half century. Before liberals helped blacks, did they have a rate of illegitimacy and broken homes in the 90 percentile? Were they largely dependent on the government for their very sustenance? Today, thanks to liberals, blacks are poverty bound in horribly crime ridden neighborhoods, with terrible drug problems, but also completely dependent on liberals for everything. Liberals have destroyed their lives, but they are slaves bound to vote to liberals to make sure they keep what they have, because they dont know anything else. The slave must vote for his master because he does not know how to be free. The slavery liberals spread today is far more evil than even the slavery perpetrated in the past. This is the same sort of slavery we will all experience under liberalism. When liberals take all our options away and turn us into poverty bound dependents who must obey if we want basic sustenance, the last vestiges of freedom will be gone. This is the reason liberal politicians are so in love with government healthcare. Its a massive inroad into personal liberty and responsibility. And they know it cant be experimented with, because once implemented, and everything else is destroyed, people will be too afraid to go back, no matter how bad it is. They will tell you there are no other options anymore. But here is the reality my conservative friends must wake up to. Its already too late for the United States of America. It cant be saved. Even before this latest nonsense, we already crossed the point of no return a while ago. I think the economy is going to completely collapse. The end could potentially still be a few years away, though I think its much closer. What will you do when the economy completely collapses under the weight of liberalism? Perhaps it will not be the end of a government called the United States, but it will be the end of anything resembling what most think of as the United States. And we already know what will happen. Despite the fact that it can be seen coming, and even if we all warned everyone repeatedly, the liberals will blame whats coming on capitalism, or the free market, or whatever terminology they go with, and use it to fully implement their desired state of things. And no matter how bad it gets, liberals will keep believing what they want to believe. Also, too many are already slaves to government. The mobs of the left wing states will not stand to see the system moved back towards liberty. Third world California, where increasing numbers of the masses live in poverty, while a small liberal super wealthy elite rules over them, or backwards NY are our future unless we withdraw. If we do not secede soon, they will overwhelm us. The longer we delay the more influence they have, even in our states. We are being flooded not only liberals fleeing from their ruined states, only to ruin ours, but massive numbers of illegal immigrants from socialist states who will invariably vote for liberals, regardless of what they tell you. In only a few more election cycles we will start loosing even what states we have left. Its time to secede, or surrender. Credits to my friend - Ryan McKenzie
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 01:13:47 +0000

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