SOMETHING YOU PROBABLY DIDNT KNOW ABOUT: SANTERIA In all of my studies since entering into THE KINGDOM, over 20 years... there have been all sorts of things Ive read up on... rituals Ive observed... the gods of men Ive seen worshiped... only two to date have been so frightening to me and have caused so much uneasiness. The first is Goetia Demonolatry (ill explain in a later post) and the second is Santeria. I have my own reasons for being creeped out. And for the sake of preserving the interest of this post, ill not get into detail. Nevertheless, Ill briefly describe this religion as I understand it. Put simply, Santeria is a religion much like voodoo, originating as a Caribbean religion composed of elements from both traditional African deities with the worship of Roman Catholic saints. A perfect example of what RELIGIOUS SYNCRETISM would be. Santería, is also known as Regla de Ifa, or La Regla Lucumi, and Regla de Ocha. The definition of the term is a simple one: santería, WORSHIP OF SAINTS, from Spanish santo or saint, and from Late Latin sanctus meaning Holy. Many practitioners of the La Regla Lucumi refer to the (saints) Orichas, or the deities of their religion. Santerian ceremonies might easily be confused with Voodoo observances because of the immediate similarities. Upon close study, it is NOT the same, trust me. Finally, Santeria has its roots in the Yoruba people of West Africa. Unfortunately, the Trans-Atlantic Slave trade brought many Africans to Cuba, Brazil, Haiti, the southern/eastern United States, Puerto Rico, Trinidad and a few other Caribbean nations. In Cuba, the slaves of Yoruba origin were called Lucumi, maybe because of the belief that they all belonged to the Ulkumí tribe, or even because the slaves addressed each other as Oluku Mi, meaning my friend. Nonetheless, this is a very persuasive and widespread belief system. More prevalent than you might think, particularly in all those popular vacation spots all us over privileged Americans like to visit. This religion is not for the faint of heart and ought not be fashionably toyed with.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 23:57:20 +0000

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