SOOOO..... YOU WANT TO WORKOUT .. AND U NEED A PARTNER TO HELP MOTIVATE U TO GET THERE.. HERE ARE THE WORST PEOPLE YOU CAN WORK OUT WITH: 1) YOUR ULTRA FIT FRIEND....have a bodybuilder friend? unless they are a trainer .. i would steer clear of them.. research says those who are paired with similar body types are more likely to stick with their workout goals than those unequally matched. BUT: its a great idea to train with someone who is only 40% more fit than you.. as they can push you up to 90% harder than going alone. 2) YOUR BEST BUD: Super-supportive close friends may actually DECREASE your motivation to go after your goals. ..its where we subconsciously substitute their support for your actual effort we then feel less driven to push ourselves. 3) THE WHINER: if your friend whines too much during your workouts YOU might not want to go back yourself. Find someone who brings their game face & doesnt leave you with negative memories of your last workout. 4) THE WALKING MOTIVATIONAL POSTER... having someone constantly shout generic motivational phrases at you like push it can become condescending or patronizing ..even though they are just trying to help you hold a plank longer or get out another rep.. its almost like you are not trying hard enough... can also become irritating.. sooo.. find someone who is close to your fitness level who will show up on time.. who wants to make a change in themselves and you. :-)
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 13:58:29 +0000

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