SPEAKING AGAINST THE EVIL AMONGST THE DEAD... Imaam Bukhaari said: Chapter: ‘What Is Forbidden As Regards Reviling The Dead’: Narrated Aisha: The Prophet (saws) said: ‘dont revile the dead, because they have reached the destination of what they forwarded’ [Book of Funerals; Hadith No:1393] Imaam Abdul Azeez Bin Baaz commented briefly on this hadith saying: ‘If revilement is for the (purpose) of giving a warning, as in the (case) of an innovator so that he is not taken as an example to be followed, then there is no forbiddance in this; for it is (done) from the angle of warning and not revilement.’ [Al-Hulalul Ibreeziyyah Min Ta’liqaat Al-Baaziyyah Alaa Saheeh Al-Bukhaari; Vol: 1; page; 427] Imaam Bukhaari also stated: Chapter: ‘Talking about the wicked from the dead’: Narrated Ibn Abbaas: Abu Lahab, once said to the Prophet (saws), Perish you all day. Then the Devine Revelation came: “Perish the two hands of Abu Lahab” [Book of funerals; Hadith No: 1394] Imaam Abdul Azeez Bin Baaz commented briefly on this hadith saying: It is as if the author (i.e. Imaam Bukhaari) intends that the wicked ones are not included in this prohibition (of revilement) and this is apparent from what has preceded. And as far as they are warned against, then the intent is not that they are dispraised. [Al-Hulalul Ibreeziyyah Min Ta’liqaat Al-Baaziyyah Alaa Saheeh Al-Bukhaari; Vol: 1; page; 427] And the ulama have consensus on the permissibility of criticizing the unreliable narrators of (hadeeth) whether they are alive or dead. [Fathul Baaree Sharh Saheeh Al-Bukhaari; chapter: 97 & 98; Book of Funerals; pages: 327-329; Vol: 3; Publisher: Daarus Salaam Riyaad]
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 04:07:11 +0000

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