SPEND YO MONEY WISELY YOUNG SO CALLED COOPERATES!!!! Why most Employees are “broke” (WARNING: You may hate this post: It is very long and contains some blunt painful truth. Read at your own risk!) Most employees or the so called “middle-class” want their lives filled with beautiful liabilities that sugar-coat their exotic lifestyles. For them, to look rich is more important than being rich. They would rather feel like “rich” without going through the process of becoming rich. They prefer to have big rented houses, imported nice furniture, drive expensive-looking cars, dress in designer clothes, send their kids to expensive private schools, eat out at good restaurants and surround themselves with all the trappings of good life even if it means paying for them with debt. As long as today people see them as “rich”, “well-to-do”, fashionable, trendy, upper class, they will go for it at any cost. They will even eat chicken, eggs, sausages; all bought on credit so that they enjoy the pleasures of the rich even when they can’t afford to buy a chicken for cash! They don’t mind to spend money BEFORE they even earn it. They have to maintain “class” at all costs. Sadly, many of them live this “pretence lifestyle” all their working years and when time comes to retire, they have no assets, no investments, and nothing to show for their decades of hard labour, other than memories of “good times” they had with “borrowed money”. Their designer clothes, classy fashionable shoes, expensive cell phones will no longer mean much during their miserable retirement years, and yet, for the sake of being “trendy and fashionable”, they sacrifice their future by spending most of their money on liabilities instead of investing it in cash generating assets (CGA) and value appreciating assets (VAA)! ADMIN#TOM YOUNG MONEY
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 10:37:49 +0000

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