SPOT ON & OBJECTIVE, BUT TSVANGIRAI HAS TO DELIVER Analysis By Itai Dzamara I HAVE repeatedly articulated how Zimbabwe is grappling with a leadership crisis, which invariably puts the spotlight on the individuals in leadership positions across the landscape of the countrys political, civic, bussiness and other platforms. Zimbabweans, and indeed the whole world, daily look up for direction and guidance from those in leadership positions, about the worsening national crisis. It has become an embarrassing obvious expectation that Robert Mugabe, each time he comes out of his cocoon, exposes both, serious delusion, and also scandalous denialism about the national situation. That, when Mugabe regards himself as the head of state, connives to complicate the national conundrum - of Mugabes making. He, for example, recently shocked probably even his domestic workers, by claiming that the economy is on a rebound. Public platforms are used by Mugabe to pontificate and waffle a lot of incoherent gibberish, such as castigating millions of Zimbabweans that were forced into the diaspora by his economic failure. Clearly, Robert Mugabe has rendered himself a source of ridicule and embarrassment in terms of comprehending and articulating the national situation and what must be the way forward. For that reason, MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai has many eyes fixed upon him, as he remains the alternative voice of political leadership. Tsvangirai yesterday addressed the global audience through the prestigious Chatham House in London, and he was everything that old Bob no longer has capacity and commitment to be - spot on, objective and honest about the national situation. Tsvangirai eloquently captured and located the root cause of the national crisis, the fix of lack of political legitimacy. That, exactly that, is the crux of the matter, and point of departure, where the other clowning and doddering elements get lost, forever. That is where poor Mugabe and his bandwagon of blind hangers-on try to fool and cheat themselves, in vain. That is where other confused characters such as Tendai Biti at times attempt to apply lipstick to a frog and speak in riddles to please their hidden masters. As long as there is not an honest and thorough appreciation of the root cause, the crisis will continue worsening while people are led down the garden path by the likes of Mugabe and Biti. Tsvangirai futher articulated and outlined the layers or dimensions of the national crisis - legitimacy, economy, governance and expectation. Well said. He also reiterated his proposal for the way forward, through national dialogue of all stakeholders. Well said. But, l once again go beyond and throw the gauntlet at the feet of Tsvangirai. The MDC leader, yet again, has the huge responsibility of leading a national political mission to solve and correct the root cause of the national crisis - political legitimacy. Mugabe and his system rigged last years elections and it is upon the people of Zimbabwe to correct that. The people have to force their way out of the hole of political illegitimacy the nation was plunged into by Zanu PF. The people need a political leadership to fight the political battle, and, the responsibility lies with Tsvangirai - he retains the support of the people, and now at a very crucial juncture. Mugabe and Zanu PF may never climb down from their fantasy land to address the root cause of the national crisis, because, it serves them to just hang in there, waffling nonsense and dreaming non-existent economic revival. In fact, the Mugabe system is busy entrenching and normalising the situation of national poverty, such that they justify their illegitimate tenure. Tsvangirai has repeatedly said the constitution allows for people to protest. Indeed, it can start with his partys MPs deciding to park their luxury vehicles, and taking the game to the Mugabe regime right there at parliament. There is no record of an election-rigging dictatorship ever willingly, and on its on own accord, engaging in the national dialogue Tsvangirai rightly calls for. And, expecting Mugabe to be pushed by the economic crisis alone must be proving to be a fallacy - the old man is dreaming an economic rebound and therefore seeing a different story. Tsvangirai said yesterday that he has a permanent residence in the trenches and l have no doubt that, right there, he faces a new challenge, of higher proportions. Because, the root cause is the illegitimate Mugabe regime, which must be dragged out of its fantasy land, by the people, led by their political leaders. Well said by Tsvangirai to the global audience, but, to do or not to do, is the national question on the shoulders of Morgan Richard Tsvangirai.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 08:08:48 +0000

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