SRINAGAR: Hundreds of students from different educational - TopicsExpress


SRINAGAR: Hundreds of students from different educational institutions, government employees and lawyers Monday took to streets here to protest against the continuous bombing of Gaza Strip in Palestine by Israel that has killed nearly 200 civilians. Students of Amar Singh College, SP Higher Secondary School and SP College reached the city centre at MA Road, where they were joined by students of Islamia College. The students marched through Old City and gathered more students from Gandhi Memorial College who later marched via Barbar Shah towards Lal Chowk. Shouting anti-Israel slogans they demanded that the “terror strikes” by Israel must be stopped. “World community must act swiftly and stop this genocide of Palestinians,” the students said. Chanting slogans in support of Hamas militant movement, the students said that Israel be dragged to the International Court of Justice. “Israel is saying that they are defending themselves. Killing a one month old baby and an eleven-year-old child can’t be self defence. This is massacre,” said an agitated youth. The students were also carrying a flag of Islamic State, formerly known as Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. They later tried to march towards the UNMOGIP office at Sonwar but were stopped near College of Education by police. Meanwhile, students of Women’s College MA Road also hit the streets. Carry placards and chanting slogans like “Death to Israel” and “Muslims of Palestine, we’re with you” the students marched through the city centre. A girl student was seen walking bare foot. She had lost her sandals somewhere in the protest but she kept moving all the way till Batamaloo were the protest ended. Another student fainted during the procession near Civil Secretariat. “There was huge uproar among the West when the Malala incident happened, but when they kill hundreds of Malalas in Palestine how could they remain silent,” said a protesting student. Lawyers from the High Court Bar Association also came out on the streets against the Israeli aggression. “Arabs should break their criminal silence and they should put all their efforts to stop this brutal aggression on innocent Palestinians,” the lawyers said. They held a sit-in demanding that the international bodies like OIC should break the silence. “Muslim world is not only meant to supply oil to the world. We demand equal value to human life and dignity,” they said. Doctors at Government Medical College too held a protest against the Israeli aggression. Earlier in the day, members of Employees Joint Action Committee (EJAC-Q) led by their president Abdul Qayoom Wani staged a demonstration in support of Palestinians. “All the peace loving nations should take stringent measures to stop Israel from rampant killing of Palestinians,” Wani said. The employees tried to march towards the UNMOGIP office but were stopped by police. The police detained EJAC president along with several employees’ leaders. The protesters also torched an Israeli flag. Reports from south Kashmir said, scores of students took out a rally from Government Degree College Pulwama and raised slogans against Israel and the US. The protesters marched through the markets of the Pulwama town and the rally concluded at Rajpora Chowk. The anti-Israel protests were also reported from Tral town of Pulwama district and in Anantnag town. In north Kashmir, scores of students from Sopore Degree College took out a rally. The protesters were carrying placards and flags of Palestine. “We promise Palestinians who are being butchered by Israel that they are not alone. We stand behind them,” the students told reporters. Reports said the students marched upto Main Chowk where other youths joined them. “Some youth later pelted stones on CRPF bunker in SBI Building,” they said. In Bandipora, youth took out a bike rally against the killing of Gazans at the hands of Israel. The bikers were holding Palestine flags and placards which read, ‘Gaza is calling’ and ‘Down with Israel’. The protesters condemned Israeli aggression and extended their support to Palestine and Hamas militants. In border district of Kupwara, scores of students from Degree College took out an anti-Israel rally. The demonstrators condemned the ongoing ‘murderous’ campaign of Israel. A similar protest was held in Pattan town of Baramulla district.—With additional inputs from local news agency GNS
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 10:17:39 +0000

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