STATE OF WHAT UNION - SEIU? THE NATIONAL LIAR LEFT THE PODIUM WITH HIS PANTS ON FIRE. 1. He said....I have created 8 million jobs. Since 2009, when he came to office, the country has seen 40 percent of its work force stop trying to find jobs. 3.2 million have found work, in a country of 300 million...good job Mr. President. Real unemployment is about 38% 2. He said....Manufacturing jobs are increasing for the first time since the 90s Yes, this is true, but the Paul Harvey rest of the story is that since he came in, manufacturing jobs in total are about half of what they were in 2009. 3. He said....I have cut the budget deficit by half Well again the rest of the story ...yes, the wallopping one trillion deficit he rung up in his first year is down some. Each year it has fallen a little. But it still is a DEFICIT each year, adding close to the trillion each year...but this year he did better, under pressure from the Republicans, he was only able to increase the deficit by 600 billion! Congrats Mr. Prez. you are slowing the rate at which the country bleeds to death. 4. He said....9 million have signed up for Obamacare Oh boy...what a bragging point...but even this is a lie. 6.3 million of these signed up for Medicaid and most of those were headed that way anyway because of their lack of a JOB under Obama. Meanwhile 5 million who were on private insurance LOST their insurance, and BO Care has not yet charged into the GROUP health business. Once the big business types also have to come onto the exchanges for BO Care some estimated 50 million more will lose their insurance! (What ever happened to all that discussion about the 40 million Americans who dont have insurance....they still dont, and more dont) 5. He said....Medicare, meanwhile has not gone up This is just a bold faced lie...Medicare has increased premium and will again soon. Oh yeah, and there is still that little 800 billion slieght of hand where one part of the Gov says they saved money by not spending it and another part of the Gov spent that money anyway, and counts it a savings? Medicare lost the money and BO Care got the money and it was sort of counted twice? 6. Finally he threw a bone to Federal Workers saying magnanimously that he would use his famous pen to raise their wage to $10.10 an hour....almost no Federal workers wages will be effected because only a trickle get 10.10 kind of him. 7. Finally again...and you cant make this stuff up....Obama intends to try to bring us all the Cheech and Chong blues by making marijuana legal like it is in Colorado...boy did the framers put that little gem into the arms of the Federal government. Oh but who reads that old yellowing paper anymore that says We the People...
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 17:30:13 +0000

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