STATEMENT FROM MAYOR EDNA JACKSON ON THE SHOOTING DEATH OF AN INFANT: “Words cannot express the sorrow and outrage I feel today over the death of an infant shot while inside her home last night. I cannot imagine the grief this family is feeling right now. As a mother, I know that no words will ever be able to comfort this child’s parents. Our prayers go out to you. As Mayor, I want to acknowledge that our community right now is facing a critical test that we must answer together as a united Savannah. All of us, no matter your address, background or ethnicity, has a stake in its outcome. Chief Lumpkin has reached out to state and federal authorities asking for additional resources, and City Council applauds him for taking this step. He and his officers are working around the clock, but we all know they can’t do it alone. There is no policing strategy to stop a coward under the cover of darkness who believes the only way to prove his toughness is to empty a gun into the home of a sleeping child. Officers will find and arrest this monster, as they almost always do, but this will not solve our problem. This is a problem that must be addressed in every home, every school, every church and around every dinner table in Savannah. And parents, if you’re not having dinner with your children, it’s about time you did. Our young people aren’t going to do the right thing without your guidance. This isn’t a problem that will be solved today, but we can start today. Starting now, we must begin changing the culture of violence that has cast a shadow over Savannah for too long. Starting now, we need our residents to step forward and work with Police to solve these crimes. If you won’t call Crimestoppers or Police, call my office at 651-6444. I will personally guarantee your confidentiality. Starting today, we need everyone involved. Be the right example for your kids. Help a friend. Be a mentor. Form a Neighborhood Watch. A child is dead, and it is up to each of us to ensure that this never happens again.”
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 22:19:50 +0000

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