STELLARSETHATHISBEST...from ron, by way of DiAnne... SETH - TopicsExpress


STELLARSETHATHISBEST...from ron, by way of DiAnne... SETH SPEAKS - The Eternal Validity Of The Soul: Session 581... continued... Chapter 20 - Questions and Answers (Number twenty-three: Are you in contact with, or speaking through, any other humans as you are with Jane?) No. As mentioned earlier in this book, I do contact some in other levels of reality, however. (Seth paused, so I asked him a second question from M.J.: Is experiencing inner vibrational touch akin to reading an aura?) No. Inner vibrational touch is a much more personal experience, more like becoming a part of that which you perceive, rather than for example a reading of an aura.) (Ready for the next question?) I am waiting. (Number twenty four: Does Jane ever prevent your coming through when you want to?) On several occasions I have communicated my willingness in particular circumstances. I knew more about those circumstances than Ruburt. Some of these occasions occurred fairly early in our sessions, when Ruburt was worried about spontaneous trances, so after making my presence known to him, I acquiesced to his decision at the time. On a few occasions certain conditions have been poor. Usually Ruburt reacted to these adversely at his end - that is, the interference was such that it would bother his situation rather than mine. (Many sessions ago, Seth told us he had a dog fragment personality still here on Earth. He wouldnt tell us where it was, though, Number twenty-five: Do you have any physical fragments of any kind still here one earth?) I do not now. My dog is gone. (Number twenty-six: Are animals fragments of human beings?) It is a good question, and you had better give me a moment to explain it clearly. In one manner of speaking, you are fragments of your entities. Yet you consider yourselves quite independent, and not thrust-off second-handed selves; so dogs and other animals are not simply the manifestation of stray psychic energy on the part of human beings. Animals have varying degrees of self-consciousness, as indeed people do. The consciousness that is within them is as valid and eternal as your own, however. There is nothing to prevent a personality from investing a portion of his own energy into an animal form. This is not transmigration of souls. It does not meant that a man can be reincarnated in an animal. It does mean that personalities can send a portion of their energy into various kinds of form. Perhaps reincarnations are over for a given individual, for example, yet within him is still some sense of yearning for the natural earth with which he has so often been involved. So he may project a fragment of his consciousness in such a way into an animal form. When this is done, the earth is then experienced in the way natural for the form. A man is not an animal, then, nor doe she invade, say, the body of one. He simply adds some of his energy to that present in the animal, mixing this vitality with the animals own. This does not mean that all animals are fragments in this manner, however. Animals, as any pet owner knows, have their own personalities and characteristics, and individual ways of perceiving the reality available to them. Some gobble experience. Their consciousness can be immeasurably quickened by contact with friendly humans, and emotional involvement with life is strongly developed. The mechanics of consciousness remain the same. They do not change for animals or men. Therefore there are no limitations set upon the development of any individual consciousness, or growth of any identity. Consciousness both in the body and without finds its own range, its own level. A dog, then is not limited to being a dog in other existences.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 01:07:23 +0000

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