STOP PRESS! FLASH! FLASH FAR AND WIDE! DANGEROUS TRAVESTY OF HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH IN RWANDA What Human Rights Watch (HRW) does on Rwanda is not human rights advocacy. It is political advocacy which has become profoundly unscrupulous in both its means and its ends. HRW’s Board of Directors should hold Executive Director Kenneth Roth and the HRW personnel who cover Rwandan issues accountable for this travesty, which has dangerous implications for Western policy toward Rwanda and for the overall credibility of Western human rights advocacy. Donors to HRW should think seriously about what causes their money might serve. Western governments should be careful about following HRW advice, and courageous enough to challenge them publicly when need be. HRW’s discourse on Rwanda over the past twenty years has been viscerally hostile to the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) which defeated the genocidal Hutu Power regime in 1994, and systematically biased in favor of letting unrepentant Hutu Power political forces back into Rwandan political life. These words are quoted from a much longer text written in form of a book by a retired American diplomat whos pretty well cognizant of the issue at hand: see reference beneath. COMMENTS: Gentleman Diplomat Richard Johnson wrote this book on March 19, 2013. On March 28, 2013, the UN security council adopted Resolution 2098 authorizing UN belligerence in D R Congo, against M23, a Congolese Rebellion that had secured international recognition. It is interesting to note the proximity of these two dates, having in mind that HRW had all along been accusing the RPF-led Rwanda of invading Congolese territory, using M23 rebellion as a mere proxy. HRW had overfed the UNO & the irresponsible international community with all the nonsensical misinformation that Rwanda was the sole agent of the Congolese trouble and multifarious woes having no name in the English language, never caring to mention a word about the dysfunctional Congolese administrations going as far back as to the very time when Congo was created as a state in 1876, amid untold barbarity and savagery, by His majesty Leopold II, King of Belgians. The only abiding thing the 500-ish African nations clustered together by alien forces to form the Congolese nation, have consistently inherited is precisely that heightened measure of barbarity and savagery! For the first time in its history, the United nations Organization violated its essential neutrality principle/obligation to wage a war in one of its member states, the D r Congo, in defense of an erring government decried and disavowed by the national community, against an internationally recognized peoples Rebellion seeking to restore law and order in their country. This was a premiere that made us write a media piece titled, The U.N. has signed its death warrant in D R Congo. Ironically the congolese warring party the UN chose to open fire on, the M23 Rebellion, had been running peace talks with the Kabila government for about a year in kampala, under the aegis of the same UNO! Lets glance at the american diplomats text: HRW’s Board of Directors should hold Executive Director Kenneth Roth and the HRW personnel who cover Rwandan issues accountable for this travesty, which has dangerous implications for Western policy toward Rwanda and for the overall credibility of Western human rights advocacy. Donors to HRW should think seriously about what causes their money might serve. Western governments should be careful about following HRW advice, and courageous enough to challenge them publicly when need be. Rwanda has the legal obligation to open a law suit against the offending HRW. This obligation lies primarily with the Rwandan government, but civil society organizations, too, are bound by the same obligation. The security of Rwanda and the protection of the Rwandan people command precisely that. End of comments. _______ Ndk Reference: The Travesty of Human Rights Watch on Rwanda Richard Johnson March 19, 2013 Copyright © Richard Johnson 2013 travesty-of-hrw-on-rwanda.blogspot/
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 09:42:10 +0000

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