STORM IS COMING RAILA MUST CRY CHRIS OBURE INTERVIEW ABOUT FUTURE OF ODM VIA NATION FM Most of us in kisii community voted for Hon Raila because we had hopes that he could have won despite CORD sharing it cake only to three individuals and parties ODM,WIPER and FORD KENYA. We were influenced to contest to feel part of CORD government and sacrifice our own party with denial of our own mzee Nyachae advice that CORD couldnt win .Indeed we miscalculated and here we are. What we have decided as Kisii legislatures is refurbish our own party and prepare to bargain with TNA and URP since whether we like it or not JUBILEE will win again. CORD leaders specifically Raila and Kalonzo luck development agenda to sell itself and also their age is a disadvantage ICC was only selling them to people but they lost it despite that Raila must accept the fact that he can never make it to presidency worst he is out of gorvernment and he didnt manage to make it when he had powers together with Kalonzo Musyoka All seat in Kisii land will purely be FORD PEOPLE HAHAHAHAHA COMPARE WITH ONE BELOW DEMOCRACY ON TRIAL ODM STATEMENT TO ABABU ,NKAISSERRY AND SEVERAL KAMBAs AND KISIIS CORD REBELS CORD sent you to parliament but you started going against its will.The rules is simple and clear,resign and seek fresh mandate from the people RESPOND SO FAR Nkaissery :Who is that one person call CORD whose opinions are right no matter how idiotic it could be.I spend my time and resources campaining for Raila in entire Maasai land and he got majority maasai presidential votes though i was only ODM elected MP as URP swept almost everything and TNA too .I want to make it clear ,i didnt won my seat under anybodies blessings and i will always oppose any idiotic plans like sabasaba you know am a general.I am in ODM till 2017 before i join party of my wish if ODM belongs to individuals JUBILEE HOUSE IS ALREADY FULL BUT WE ARE NOW EXPANDING OUR HOUSE FOR MORE MEMBERS.JUBILEE AND TEAM KALAUSI TYPE PWAHAHAHAHA
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 08:16:56 +0000

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