STORY/MINUTES OF MEETING WITH DIRECTOR GENERAL(NACO)RESPECTED MR. LOVE VERMA 5 SEP 2013 our meeting were three parts. First part -Internal discussion between all states representatives about making agenda and some points for discussion with DG NACO.This activity held in Lady hardening medical college seminar room Delhi.Time 10 TO 3 PM. -Second and main part of meeting-detail of this part follwimg points:- 1.around 25 to 30 mamber of 8 states representatives reached NACO office bt only 9 mambers inter in DG room for discussion. 1- With congratulation of TEACHERS DAY by us to them start of this event.we gave a demand letter about employee favour.DG NACO called their HR manager madam VIBHA for discussion of our demand letter. 3-DG NACO took intro of all member who present there.Ttotal time of meeting 40 minutes 4;25 to 5;05pm. - 4-We put our main demand A-REGULARIZATION of all aids control employee who working under the naco/sacs in central govt. B- Till the regularization emp should get SAME WORK SAME PAY with +all fascility which got any govt, emp. like epf ,insurance, maternity leave,patternity leave, medical fascility all allounce etc. C In the process of SALARY FIXATION consider all factor like qualifications,service seniority,risk and nature of work. D.REMOOVAL OF UPPER LIMIT SALARY AND INCREMENT SHOULD BE CONTINUED. E—NACO POLICY AND GUIDELINE SHOULD BE APPLIED UNIFORM IN ALL OVER INDIA. 4—DG NACO discuss in every point in detail and replied very softly,coopratively,---- A--SALARY OF ALL EMP WILL BE GOOD IN FOURTH PHASE.THEY DIDN’T DISCLOSE BT MINIMUM 12000 PLUS INCREMENT. B. SALARY IMPLEMENT FROM APRIL 2013 OF NACP 4. C.Stopped increment from april2013 will be release very shortly of all employee. D—DG accepted that our demands are guanine but his limitation they will try best. E DG NACO advised us to make our movement continue with positively & politically approach before loksabha election 2014.He advised us to meet November 2013 again with happy and smiling face after nacp4 implementation. F-Matternity leave,epf may be implement in after some time. G—NACO name has gone & now DAC(DEPARTMENT OF AIDS CONTROL)because of government thinks hiv/aids very serious issue at present in health. After making department of aids control(DAC),now more possibility of merging in GOVT. Third part of meeting held in cental park between all representative for future plan &conclusion of DG meeting. Dear all at the end of month september we will meet to union Health minister,and arrange a big national meeting of all 28 state and 7 territory. Every state 5 to 10 mamber will be present there, its all state responsibility . Tentative date 29 september. We need to support all employee of all states o all over india to get our aim of regularization,I thanks to delhi sacs emp for all arrangement of this DG NACO meeting.And also thank to all representative of different states of India. VEERENDRA GOSWAMI President All India Aids Control Employees Association
Posted on: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 05:42:11 +0000

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