STRATEGIC GOVERNANCE “What is Cost of Governance?” Fiscal - TopicsExpress


STRATEGIC GOVERNANCE “What is Cost of Governance?” Fiscal budget is only an indication of the expected enhancement towards Good Governance, if and only if, it will be adequately implemented. This means that there is a responsibility to ensure that budget implementation attracts the right “value for money” spent. Every cost is expected to have a value factor, in the public sector, this is not quantified by the “profit” factor, but with the “satisfaction and well-being of the public”, through the quality and quantity of the projects. From 1970 to date, we have had the following past Heads of State and Presidents; Gen Gowon, Gen Obasanjo, Alhaji Shagari, Gen Buhari, Gen Babangida, Chief Obasanjo and currently Dr Goodluck Jonathan. There is only one common factor among these past leaders, Presidents and Heads of State inclusive that have become the detriment and impediment to good governance: CORRUPTION. Corruption in the critical sectors of our economy: 1. Education 2. Energy 3. Petroleum and 4. Roads and 5. Strikes The relevant funds budgeted over the years were not holistically given value and attention to, the result of which is the escalation of criminal activities multiplying in geometrical progression in our economy today. Education sector have not been given adequate attention, the facilities and infrastructure in our higher institutions have gradually been graduating substandard and unemployable graduates, who later become teachers and the vicious cycle continues. The energy is very low, unreliable or non-existent in more than 80% of the areas. This has kept the productive engagements at low ebb. The Petroleum industry has over these years suffered, as the conduit pipe used to defraud the economy and pass the inefficiency to the masses, thereby impoverishing the people instead of giving them the expected good governance. We all are living witnesses to the tales of woe emanating from Petroleum Subsidy probe. The main actors in this subsidy are currently recycled and will eventually become leaders in our polity, to enable them continue what they know how to do best. Road infrastructure over the last 40 years have received a large chunk of our budgets, as if it was meant for political campaigns, yet nothing commensurate to show for all the funds expended over the years. For any of this sectors, Education, Energy, Petroleum and Road to have received an insignificant attention, was just because of several strikes and labour unrests, yet money was budgeted year-in-year-out for the infrastructure to the benefit of the unpatriotic elements, who turnaround to receive bogus national and international awards in compensation for their criminal activities against the nation. The bottom-line is the increase in unemployment, escalating crime rate, unabated and astronomical inflation, substandard education, death traps on the roads, air space, malpractices or rigged elections etc. Again, our curiosity, is on the wastages from our budgets, meant for infrastructure over these 40 years, when we know the result of an election has been skewed to a particular direction? Another curiosity is the lip-service paid to our infrastructure, just to divert the resources to fight political enemies or opponents with project funds, when we already know the result of an election have been zoned or skewed. Our leaders actions has caused astronomical inflation leading to the paralysis or near failure or collapse of our economy, as industries are operating below their capacity utilization, non-existent energy, substandard education, poor health institutions, poor public water works, poor road networks, unsafe air space and the neglect of the rural communities. Despite heavy budgetary allocations into these sectors over the last 40 years, without real or functional and sustainable development, the worst is that the products of our inefficient institutions have become leaders in our environment, therefore, what goes round, must come round. We are bound to reap what we helped to sow over the years, which are the trouble and crises engulfing the entire nation today. Therefore, sound economy, the well-being of the people, full employment, adequate security, reliable energy, quality education, justice and equity, transparently accounted for, are all the real benefit and cost of governance and not the huge amount of funds pronounced annually, if “value for money” cannot be seen in the quality of the projects and servicers.
Posted on: Fri, 06 Sep 2013 15:22:32 +0000

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