“STRESS” Nowadays, people experience more pressure than ever - TopicsExpress


“STRESS” Nowadays, people experience more pressure than ever from the external environment. That comes as a result of constantly increasing pace of life, huge amounts of information people have to process each day, increasing concurrence in all spheres of professional life and some others. The constant pressure people undergo incites the state of stress. Today, we will talk about “Stress” and find out how to reduce it. VOCABULARY Release/rili:s/ (n) (v) Eliminate /ilimineit/ (v) To put out Attitude/ætitju:d/ (n) manner Instantaneous /,instənteinjəs/ (adj) immediately Anxious/æɳkʃəs/ (adj) worried Mental /mentl/ (adj) Of or pertaining to the mind Unavoidable/,ʌnəvɔidəbl/ (adj) incapable of being shunned or prevented Positive/pɔzətiv/ (adj) Pressure /preʃə/ (n) Lassitude /læsitju:d/ (n) languor; debility; weariness Discern/disə:n/ (v) To see by the eye or by the understanding; to perceive and recognize Morale/mɔrɑ:l/ (n) spirit DISCUSSION 1. What is “Stress”? Give some examples. 2. Have you ever been so worried and you thought that you got stressed? How stressed were you? What did you do to eliminate it? 3. What are the causes of stress? 4. People have different ways of escaping the stress and difficulties of modern life. Some read; some exercise; others work in their gardens. What do you think are the best ways of reducing stress? Use specific details and examples in your answer
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 05:49:34 +0000

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