STRONG FUTURE INTERNATIONAL (SFI) AND HOW TO SUCCEED IN SFI Good morning, Actually, I just got this question from one of my down line: How to succeed with SFI? The first step you need is to join SFI (It is FREE) through this link: sfi4/13175129/FREE (I will guide you step by step in this program) Important: Most the links below will open ONLY after you join SFI. Use the above link to join for FREE now. Here is my reply. Please read these points carefully ans APPLY them today: 1) SFI is a long term business. You do the work now and make good money for years to come. So, it is the best business you can start with. 2) In SFI, Versa Points (VPs) means shares. The more VPs you have, the more shares you’ll have in SFI, the much MONEY you’ll make. 3) To succeed with SFI you need to get as many VPs as you can, and as many Quantity and quality down line (PSA and CSA) as you can. 4) To start to make money with SFI, you MUST be at least EA. You could be an EA by collecting 1500 GPs per month. You can collect these GPs from the “To-Do List” page (https://sfimg/Home?tab=to-do) or from the “VP Ledger” page (https://sfimg/My Account/My Reports/VP Ledger). 5) The easy way to collect 1500 GPs every month is by setting a standing order for 1500 GPs or more. example: when you get the (IAHBE membership) at this link: https://sfimg/Redirect?l=/detail.php?item=5540 This assures you get 1500 VPs every month. This way you will be at least EA every month. 6) To make much money at SFI, you need to be a team leader; Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum. Team leader get matching GPs (shares) up to 12 levels deep. Team leaders can make up to $14,000 per month in SFI if they build a strong team under them. 7) To build a strong team under you (down line), you need to promote your SFI affiliate link in many advertising sites. Important, if you get some down line at a certain day and you were one of the top 20 en rollers for that day, SFI will reward you by giving you 2 VPs per each down line for this day. Example: assume you get 100 PSA today, and you were be one of the top 20 en rollers for this day, SFI will give you (100 x 2VPs) = 200 GPs. You can collect up to 3000 GPs every month using this method. 8) When you start to get your down line, teach them the above steps. This way, you change them into team leader like you are. 9) Encourage your down line (PSA and CSA) by re-assigning some of your PSA under them. You can do this from this page: https://sfimg/Reports/Genealogy?tab=reassignment&cf=true 10) You can give them Credits of yours if they upgrade their levels in to EA or team leader. This will make them more active. 11) Use and teach your down line how can they use the SFI penny auction (Price bender) at: https://tripleclicks/indexAuctions.php . Remember when you use the SFI penny auction, every Credit you spend will give you 1 VP. You can get up to 500 GPs every month using this way. 12) If you have some physical products you don’t need, you can sell them in your SFI Connect store at: https://tripleclicks This is something like garage sale. You make money and get GPs this way. You’ll like it. 13) You can sell digital products also in your SFI Connect and make good money. Make money and get more GPs, too. 14) If you don’t have products to sell, search for some good products which people really want, and get your affiliate link for these products, then promote these products here and there. This way you could earn money PLUS get huge GPs. 15) Teach your down line ALL the above steps. Feel free to copy/paste this message and send it to your down line. 16) The last important tip is: NEVER EVER GIVE UP. You could be very close to your success and you don’t know. I’m sure if you apply what I told you today, you’ll make good money with SFI.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 06:38:09 +0000

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