SUDDENLY DEEPER IN THE RIVER A Word through Ching Co, Cebu City, - TopicsExpress


SUDDENLY DEEPER IN THE RIVER A Word through Ching Co, Cebu City, The Philippines AFTER THE LONG BATTLE Ive been feeling within my heart a gentle calmness that seems to take over my whole being. It does not imply that nothing is happening around me. Yet Ive notice a new calmness and stillness which is becoming stronger day by day. I felt like Im swimming in an open seas where the waves are high. But somehow having been immersed in that water for quite sometimes, instead of the waves becoming a threat to me, Ive become adjusted to the motions of the waves and am now finding myself not affected by its coming and going and in fact am beginning to enjoy it. TAKEN DEEPER INTO THE RIVER Many of Gods people have been drawn by the Spirit of the Living God to come into the Living river of God. When we started to move in, just like wading into a real body of water, it does take a lot of effort to get in. And since at the start, the water is shallow, we cannot swim but need to wade and walk into deeper territory. and walking in water is much more difficult than swimming in water. But now, those who have been faithful to Gods leading are finding themselves in deeper water,-- so deep in fact that their feet no longer touch the ground. The suddenness of the rising of the water has initially surprised many of us. And our initial reactions was to swim hard to go back to shore where we felt safe as we can touch and feel bottom. But the river of God keeps on rising around us and overtaking us at many points. We felt that we might drown and many times we did find ourselves underwater and gasping for breath. However, through all these initial struggles we discovered that something has been sustaining us and many of us were amazed that we have survived this long. Somehow we knew that something was going on that is beyond us. Although we cannot see it nor feel it, we knew inside our heart that our survival has not been because of our ability and effort. Today many of Gods people are learning to enjoy the deep water of Gods river. For we have tasted Gods goodness and His faithfulness and we know that ALL WILL BE WELL IN HIM. THE MEANING OF THIS VISION Many of Gods people have been feeling the drawing of the Holy Spirit for them to come closer to the Father. Just like wading in water, it has not been an easy path but has taken a lot of our effort. Many circumstances and events has came against us like the sudden rushing of the river water and many of us were tempted to go back to shore where we feel safe and many of us have found ourselves drowning and gasping for breath so many times. SURVIVAL DUE TO THE GRACE OF GOD ALONE But somehow through it all, we have stayed afloat over our circumstances and deep in our heart, we also knew that our very survival has not been because of our own ability and effort but has been due to the grace of God. Today, many of Gods children are slowly becoming adjusted and amazingly rested in the midst of all the high waves and deep waters that surround us. The peace of God that He planted in us which at the start seem like a mustard seed has grown and has slowly filled us from within. The fruit of the Spirit which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control are beginning to mature. All these are slowly filling us up and overtaking many of us. WHY AND WHAT The season of training and preparation is now over for many of His children. He has tested us and have found us faithful to the call and the challenge. And the Father is getting ready to meet us in a grand way. Just like the 5 virgins who faithfully kept their lamps full of oil. God is about to open the door to us and soon we will be seeing the face of the Groom. A MIGHTY EXODUS OF TRUTH SEEKERS Gods purpose in all these is not just for us to enjoy Him , but to lead the way to many. We have been prepared TO SERVE AND TO LEAD OTHERS. The coming days will be filled with an exodus of mighty numbers of seekers of truth and they will be needing assistance and help and this is where we will be positioned by God. We will soon discover that what the enemy has intended for harm, God will turn for our good. What we have perceive as punishment were actually Gods promotion for us. . . That truly God does not waste anything but has the ability to turn tears to laughter, dust to diamonds, stripes to stars. PRAYER Father, we are thankful for all the works which you have done in our lives. We know that you are continually at work in us day by day even when we dont feel or see your hands. We thank you for the evident manifestation that is being birthed from within us. We know that one day, people will see you through and in us. Thank you for this awesome opportunity that youve entrusted to us. Help us never to depart or deviate from you at any point. We want to be hooked on to you all the remaining days of our life. Amen! Blessings, Ching Co Chings email: ching@gsilink Cebu City Philippines ( PROPHETIC VOICES FROM AROUND THE WORLD - Repost by Yesha Yahu – March ‘14)
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 12:09:35 +0000

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