SUMMARY OF THE INTERVIEW WEVE CONDUCTED By: Raul S. Azarcon We conducted an interview to five employees with different job titles about how their educational courses match their jobs. Going to a mall in a Sunday afternoon was just a wrong time to go, but for the sake of our grades we just continue to do it. There, we choose the workers randomly and ask them if they are vacant or if its OK to interview them. Some said yes and some are no, so we just continue to the one who says yes. The first employee that we interviewed was a waiter at this fancy, Japanese-themed cafe. The second was a saleslady at a jewelry store. The third person was a hospital-management graduate and was also a saleslady. And the last two was still a saleslady at this kiosk stand shop. We asked them about the current state of their job, previous experience in college and if it was their choice or option on choosing this present path. Most of them entered college but only a few finished the course of their choice and decided to apply for jobs in order to help their families and sustain their needs. After which, we asked their opinions about our topic and their answers are all in the same sense and are based on the experiences they come across. With the question that we asked them if the economy of the Philippines would prosper if this is the way that the applicants accept jobs that are not related to their profession. And majority of them said ‘NO’. One of them said that the employer and the employee will only waste the time, effort and money just to train the accepted applicant. And the others said that it doesn’t matter it is always up to the person if he or she will have the patience and hardwork on pursuing that job.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 05:27:13 +0000

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