SUNDAY OLD SCHOOL SERMONS: BREDRENS AND SISTRENS OF THE CONGREGATION THIS COMMENT WAS IN RESPONSE TO A BRILLIANT POST BY BREDRIN Yohanan EliYah. HE HAS SOME BRILLIANT ANSWERS TO SOME OF THE QUESTIONS THAT YOU MAY HAVE THAT WHITE JESUS SEEMS UNABLE TO ANSWER... There are 20,000 living communes and 50,0000 food cooperatives in the US. Practically ALL created for and constructed by European-Neanderthals. Well if it is NOT obvious that it is time for Pan-Africans of the diaspora to finally fully embrace our blood African birthrate which is Uhuru & Ujamaa: Socialism, a concept BORN in our Motherland Africa, and walk away from our enemys wicked wasteful western way of life, then NOTHING will ever change. If you want to end white supremacy, then you’ll have to end CAPITALISM buy simply STOP being CONSUMERS. Any questions? We must starve the beast of it’s nourishment: HUMAN CAPITAL. Don’t consume what you do not need: SUBSISTENT LIVING IS ESSENTIAL. No more OBESE nor OVERWEIGHT Pan-Africans allowed. Until we form our own Black schools(communal home-schooling anyone?) and our own Black businesses(pipe-dreams at best because Mista Charlie is not going to have none of that foolishness), do not fratenise with the enemy outside of those two necessary evil environments. Have as minimal contact as necessary, because everybody knows inter-species interactions with European-Neanderthals is hazardous to our health… Another cost-effective and time-efficient step is for Pan-africans to turn off the telly, tune out the radio, and read revolutionary books and blogs, because the mind is a terrible thing to waste. Btw- Libraries are FREE! [I maintain six library cards in various cities I travel/work in throughout the US alone; My London, UK and Kingston, JA library memberships remain valid at all times.] FINALLY, take these quotes from our Pan-African revolutionary elders to heart: Zombies, believe me, are more terrifying than colonists. ― Frantz Fanon Pan-africans must stop wasting valuable energy, time and resources trying to save ALL the approximately 45 million African souls held captive in the UK, US and Canada. I always say, ‘You can lead a Negropean to knowledge but you can’t make him think.” And as bredrin Yusuf Ziyad knows, ‘Just like with the .01% Zionist NWO folks, only .01% of Africans of the diaspora deserve to make it out… And thats as good as its gonna get. Take it or leave it... I have no desire to take all black people back to Africa. There are blacks who areno good here and will likewise be no good there.” — Marcus Garvey Abibifahodie & Amandla! https://youtube/watch?v=BUj8NlnHPbA An-Nasr Amin NaNa Miriam Mapenzi Sankofa-Shakur Sonya Perkins Akwesi Sankofa TJ Sankofa Tonya Grinston Kauthar Lambert Alison Rizzo Anna Comments Valarie C. Clark Chris Johnson Keziah X TuErre Kwendeh Abraham MassaquoiAndre X Udaktari Kwawatu Anonomyst Juan Ädiä ÜnïquënäturälMonina Alphonse Makeda Davis-El Melaphyre Etheoryall Shae Michelle
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 17:07:28 +0000

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