SUNGUZUNGU SECT MUST BE ABOLISHED FROM KISII TOWN AND HER ENVIRONS: The most unfortunate, worst and en-humane act that can happen to a woman is rape. The psychological, mental and psychical suffering a woman goes through can only be told by sufferers who have stood the painful challenging times of their lives. I cant imagine the pain Kisii University students are going through as I speak, after the illegal sect sunguzungu was hired to control the striking students. We have had stories before that this sect has enforced heavy and illegal revues, they have heavily punished and fined offenders,forcefully taken away womens wives,infected many with HIV/AIDS in the name of community policing. They are always the prosecutor and the Judge at the same time. They operate under local agreements discharging illegal and inhumane responsibilities. As a community our security cannot be under an illegal sect like Sungusungu,its a time bomb only waiting to explode. Politicians might be happy using such sect to enhance their political ambitions and come out defending it to be a community policing initiative but the fact remains security is the 1st sole responsibility of the state and our police officers are able to discharge such a mandate being professionals. The community risk losing its sole pride when young men drop out of schools joining such sect. They are initiated using human blood, where killing of a fellow human being is never an issue. The county government of Kisii county has a sole challenge of ensuring that her people are secure not using illegal sects but by putting up the required security measures. The town is a very good business hub with a robust untapped potential which we must tab now. The Kisii University strike has just exposed the Sunguzungu malice and untold intrigues of this brutal and inhumane sect, which operates on political and outdated tactics in the name of maintaining security. We have had it aired before in various mainstream medias, but we might have ignored it maybe because we thought it was a creation of the media. But the incident at Kisii University calls for immediate action to abolish the sect and give kisii town residences their freedom. Security matters be left to the state not a sect. You rape students, torture them in the name of maintaining peace and order? Which sanity is Sunguzungu an Illegal sect bringing to the mighty people of Kisii town? Which legislation are they acting upon? They have a functional office at the stadium who sponsor the audacity of this Illegal sect to have such an office within the great town? I now challenge the Ongwae led county government and IG in Nairobi to come out and clean this mess. Fellow Kisiis I have seen the Mungiki before and how burdensome Illegal sects can be. James Ongwae, people elected you on a platform of change and reform, your term expires after 5 years and if God willing you be re-elected for your 2nd term that will b e the end as Governor. Be the 1st elected leader to denounce such a sect, deal with it decisively, arrest and charge those funding it, from political leaders to business class. Arrest and charge the sect members. Mr Governor you arent a mayor but a governor elected by registered voters across the 9-constituencies making up kisii county. The face of your leadership will be reflected in the capital. Clean the mess. To the University management press briefing is never enough nor is it a solution tell us why beat up and rape students. Dont tell us Sungusungu was not involved,we have video tapes of Sungusungu sect members beating up students. Dont tell us students were not raped we have hospital records with various medical samples to support such a shameful inhumane acts. To all Kisii people come out in strongest terms possible and condemn Sunguzungu brutality.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 14:02:22 +0000

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