****SUPER LONG POST ALERT, but you should read it until the - TopicsExpress


****SUPER LONG POST ALERT, but you should read it until the end...IT COULD CHANGE YOUR LIFE! **** I woke up this morning with an even stronger mission in my brain. I WANT to change lives, and I want to start with YOU! I am Sarah Bolen! I am a STAR DIAMOND Beachbody Coach and part of the Superstars Team Leadership Council! I have ONLY been a coach for 1 year, and WITH THE HELP OF MY AMAZING TEAM, I have learned the ropes in a short period of time! My FAVORITE part about being a coach is the DAILY, yes DAILY, SPINE TINGLING messages from my challengers who are changing their lives! It is like a drug I crave! It is the BEST FEELING in the world. To get paid to do this is INCREDIBLE! I have been married to my soul mate, Troy, since 1994! We have two teenaged daughters, Shania & Sierra, who incidentally I have been trying to convince for a few years to go into a career that they ENJOY & LOVE to go to every single day! I just want them to SURROUND themselves by people who LIFT THEM HIGHER! BEACHBODY HAS CHANGED MY LIFE IN MIND, BODY, AND SOUL. I work full-time OTHER than Beachbody, and I have achieved unbelievable success doing BB only part-time! Imagine the possibilities! I used to be 70lbs heavier than I am, and I have ALWAYS been a runner. I have done countless half-marathons, 5Ks, and triathlons - I even won a mini-one once! Even though I did all of those things, I was NEVER fit! Running didnt sculpt my whole body. This was VERY frustrating to me! At one of my doctors appointments, I was venting to her about how much I ran, but could NEVER lose a pound, excuses, excuses! She looked me in the eye and said, ITS ALL ABOUT WHAT YOU PUT IN YOUR MOUTH! I seriously wanted to punch her. However, that line runs through my head EVERY SINGLE DAY! I began to eat clean. I gave up refined sugar, and I only eat what God made, and I gave up EATING THIS BECAUSE! Im eating this because my aunt made it, Im eating this because its Halloween, Im eating this because this is the time of year that we eat this. ELIMINATE EATING THIS BECAUSE!!! I started losing weight, but my skin was saggy. I know I had to do some sort of exercise to tone up. I needed some muscle and nutrition! I live in Duluth, MN, and my girls play AAU Basketball in Minneapolis. Therefore, I drive 2.5 hours each way to practice a couple days a week from March through July. When I would get home from practice, it was around 11:30 PM, and I was wired. One night, I turned on the TV and I dont know the code to get all the channels because my husband always holds the remote:) Since he was sleeping, the only channel I could watch had an Insanity infomercial on it! I became completely hooked! I have never done a workout program before. The two most important things I like about it were that I didnt have to go to a gym, and there were no gadgets! I bought it the very next day! I have since become COMPLETELY addicted to it! I LOVE IT! It makes me HAPPY every single day! Beachbody ENDORPHINS are the greatest thing on earth! I am TOTALLY obsessed with INSANITY! I have also COMPLETED the following challenges: Insanity X4, Asylum 1, Asylum 2, P90X3, Les Mills Pump, and I am now doing BODY BEAST! Back to my girls:) They had a tournament at Iowa State in July, very far away from home. ROADTRIP:) It is one of those things where we watch them play all day and then at night the parents all hang out at the hotel. I sat down on a loveseat on the hotel patio next to a mom from another team. She was a BEAUTIFUL Italian woman named Dana Neve! From the second I laid eyes on her I KNEW I wanted to be just like her! We started talking and I almost fell on the floor when she said, I work for Beachbody! I said, What, I didnt know you could work or Beachbody! I am COMPLETELY ADDICTED TO INSANITY and Shakeology!!!! I told her it has taken over my life! Dana and I totally hit it off, and that was a PIVOTAL moment in my life! Things happen for a reason, and in MY family we call that a GOD-incident! I became a coach RIGHT AWAY! I WANTED TO CHANGE PEOPLE’S LIVES! It happened to me! What I have been praying for my girls fell into my lap! I FINALLY found a career that is my PASSION! I love EVERYTHING about Beachbody! Just like Dana said on that loveseat, it NEVER feels like a job, and we are surrounded by POSITIVE, HAPPY people all day every day! Since then, my husband has lost 42lbs with Shakeology! PURE DENSE NUTRITION! The fact that as a coach I get Shakeology for $97.00 is a HUGE plus! When I feel like I got knocked down, I always remember what Beachbody is ALL about, and WHY I BECAME A COACH: *Be GENUINE! *YOU are empowering OTHERS to succeed! *Put your HEART, MIND, and SOUL into even the smallest things! *You are adding value to peoples lives! *YOU are ending obesity! *LOVE yourself - it feels so good! *Never look back! *Never quit! *If I can do it, why cant you? I LOVE every workout! I LOVE my results! I LOVE Shakeology! I LOVE spreading OPTIMISM, POSITIVITY, and HEALTH! I am PROUD to be a product of the product! I WANT to make a difference! I WANT to INSPIRE! I WANT to make people HAPPY and LOVE THEMSELVES every single day! I LOVE what I have developed in myself personally, and how I have grown! If someone doesnt like my choices, I move forward from them! I FOCUS only on the people in my life who LIFT ME HIGHER! If I have a bad day, and PUSH FORWARD and NEVER look back! I ALWAYS choose to look at the POSITIVES with PASSION & PURPOSE! This j-o-b ROCKS! BEACHBODY HAS SHOWN ME THAT ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME! I now BELIEVE that YOU CAN DO ANYTHING YOU PUT YOUR MIND TO! I STILL feel like I am new, and I have sooooo much to learn. Most importantly though I LOVE IT, EVERY SINGLE THING ABOUT IT! This is the most AMAZING J O B in the entire world!! I just keep thinking that in 2015 I (hopefully) will be going to LA, FL, Cancun, Nashville, and ???? WHATTTTTT??? Who does that? This cannot be my real life! Also, the cherry on the top I GET TO DO ALL OF THAT WITH AMAZING, CARING, AWESOME PEOPLE!! WHY NOT YOU? I have TWO opportunities for YOU to see what I am talking about! My AMAZING Super Star team is doing an OPEN HOUSE, a sneak peak into what we do everyday! It is tomorrow, Tuesday October 7 through Thursday, October 9th! I would just LOVE to have YOU as my guest! All you have to do is be a fly on the wall and watch, read, and listen on your own time! Secondly, for my local people, I am having a business opportunity seminar at my home! I would LOVE to have you come so I can tell you ALL about this amazing company how YOU can gain financial freedom! DO YOU NEED MORE CASH FLOW? Come and hear my passion! Personally message me if you would be interested! POINT OF THIS POST...I WANT YOU ON MY TEAM! I want to train you and change your life! My goal is to make YOU SUCCEED! If you are a PERSONAL TRAINER, a PHYSICAL EDUCATION TEACHER, an ATTORNEY, a CORPORATE PROFESSIONAL, or anything else...THIS IS FOR YOU! I want to INCREASE YOUR CASH FLOW, and change your HEALTH forever! This is a video from about 6 months ago...things have changed but my PASSION HAS GROWN ABOUT 1000%! Have an INCREDIBLY BLESSED day today!
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 14:14:56 +0000

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