SUPPORT OUR CAMPAIGN FOR A RETURN TO REGIONAL GOVERNMENT 3 REGIONS EAST, WEST AND NORTH RETENTION OF THE STATES BUT OPERATE WITHIN THEIR REGIONS CONTROL OF NATURAL RESOURCES BY THE STATE GOVERNMENT STATES GIVE TO THE REGIONAL GOVERNMENT EQUAL % OF THEIR REVENUE EACH REGION HAS ITS OWN REGIONAL ASSEMBLY AND PREMIER NATIONAL PRESIDENCY IS ROTATED AMONG THE 3 REGIONAL PREMIERS Why a return to regional government? To say that our experiment with direct rule from the centre is nothing short of a disaster is an understatement. The centre has been a hob for corruption on a level unrivalled anywhere in the world. We should not forget the £2.8 billion that went missing during the Obasanjo military regime between 1976 and 1979; what about the economy mismanagement that characterised the Shagari government which brought the Nigerian economy to her knees; then the state terrorism and embezzlement of $billions by the Babangida government; what can we say about the massive scale of public purse looting that was the hallmark of the Abacha government; the missing £billions during the Abdusalami Abubakar government; the mismanagement that characterised Obasanjo’s second government and the infamous agreement between the Obasanjo government and the Abacha family that the Abacha family can keep their loot of public purse if they agree to return some?; what about the ongoing saga of the missing $billions in the current Jonathan‘s government - Lamido Sansui (Governor of Central Bank) said $19 billions was missing, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala told Aljazeera reporter in a recent interview that her department has confirmed that about $10 billions was missing - which ever way, we know $billions have been stolen. How can one explain a situation where Babangida ruled one of the so called poor countries in the world for 8 years and emerged many times richer than Bill Clinton who ruled the richest country in the world for 8 years? The question for us as a people is: Is that the way Nigerians wants their resources mismanaged? Is that the way the Delta people from where most of the oil money comes from would like to spend their wealth? Considering the devastation of the environment that is a feature of oil drilling, would they have agreed for the Abacha family to steal their money and afterwards negotiate with him and his family to keep some of the money when their own people are suffering? The first step to curb corruption is to remove control of the resources from the hands of the so called leaders at the centre who are using the current set up to enrich themselves at the expense of the whole nation. Do not be fooled by the opposition either, they are just bidding their time and eagerly waiting for their turn to get their hands on the nations wealth. This is not a campaign against any political party or any particular politician. This is a campaign against the current set up which gives those operating at the centre unrestricted and uncontrolled access to the nation’s wealth. Even if the Pope is made Nigerian President, he will find the current set up very tempting. Returning to how we started at independence will solve many of our problems as a nation. If you agree with us, support our campaign by clicking like on our Facebook site. You can also send us your comment which we can publish on our site. Folorunso Makinde President Nigerians For Referendum Email: nigeriansforreferendum@mail Tel. + 44 - 07574342640
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 18:20:58 +0000

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