SUPREME COURT MAY RULE ON CONCEALED CARRY BY JULY 2014 Illinois is the last state in the union to totally forbid citizen concealed carry. They are currently under an order from the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals to establish a system of licensing and a bill to do so has passed both houses with a veto proof margin. Yet it appears that the Illinois AG is going to appeal. What does this mean? In short, if Illinois appeals we will have a ruling from SCOTUS that will define concealed carry rights nationwide. At this point, there is no question that, given the Heller and McDonald decisions, there is a right to carry a firearm. The question is, what is the extent and limit of this right? What are the possibilities? Citizens may be given a permit to carry a firearm if the demonstrate a need for it and meet other requirements. (While liberals would like this, it is highly unlikely - because citizens cannot be required to prove a need to exercise a right.) States may require permits and require training and background checks before issuing a permit - but must issue permits to all who meet these requirements. (I think this is where the high court will come down.) States may require permits, but may only do background check before issuing a permit. (Less likely but possible.) States may not require permits because the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is no different than any other constitutional right. Anyone who can own a gun would be able to carry a gun. (Unlikely, but possible given that it is the current law in 4 states - AK, VT, AZ, WY - to be joined shortly by LA and AR.) Whatever the court rules, barring the death or resignation of one of the 5 conservative justices, there is zero chance that Illinois will prevail and their ban on concealed carry will be upheld.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 00:35:17 +0000

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