SYLVIA OLAYINKA MAGOMAGO BLYDENS FANFARE RAZZMATAZZ It is sad and heart rendering to see young Sylvia going down the drains. Since her dismissal from State House, she continues to embarrass herself on a daily basis. Sylvias journalistic ethos has been thwarted by her fickle mindedness and selfish desire for a farfetched political stardom. With hindsight, i can now reason with President Koroma for dragging her to state House, possibly with good intention - moulding her character. In any case, it was just a matter of time for her true colours to be exposed. Her bossy attitude was robustly tamed by experienced civil servants who sensed her immaturity from onset. She was sloppy and belligerent to all those superior to her except EBK. It was fun to say the least. She engaged Shekito to prove her journalistic potential but alas it was a mismatch. Unknowing to her, Shekito is blessed with almost thirty years experience in the profession. The fight ended before the first round. Shekitos pen was too heavy to handle as she was demoralised. That fight oozed a lot of energy out of Sylvia. As luck could have it, she then jumped on Minister Alpha Kanu to prove the point that her rank as the SEA was a cabinet rank, and that she can match him toe to toe. That was a major error on her part. Minister Kanu was vicious with the former SEA, concluding the fight with a knockout. He defined her mediocre role and proved her knowledge on national issues was abysmal and intellectually bereft. That encounter placed her in the right place - parading with dignitaries in Dubai, Las Vegas and the like. Reaching her teeter, the final engagement was with the Statehouse Spokesman Mr. Jarah Kawusu-Konte, who thought her manners. That was the final call - she then realised that being a parrot, or swagging like a gunugunu or headless chicken does not necessarily qualify one to be the Spokesperson for a Government. Rather years of systematic training and development can do the job effectively. It seems she clearly lost her mental compass after this encounter. It is a general belief that Medical Doctors are intelligent, but Sylvia clearly without any iota of doubt contradicts this trend. With all these wealth of experience from her dismal role as the SEA, one will expect Sylvia to consider refresher training or rehabilitation to normal life in a civil society. Instead, she now choose to spread hatred and discord amongst the Kono communities. This will not be a delightful journey and the Kono people are not responsible for her current awkward predicament. She only have herself to blame. The Kono People are not responsible for Sylvia being a failed Politician or shamed Journalist, a condition described by an elder statesman as a typical Glaucoma Journalist. Begging your way back to State House by being President Koromas VUVUZELA will do you no favours. THE KONO PEOPLE WILL BE VICTORIOUS!!
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 17:08:47 +0000

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