SYRIAN TRUTH Do you really not see nor understand what is - TopicsExpress


SYRIAN TRUTH Do you really not see nor understand what is happening in the world? I agree, football is more fun but I can assure you that a tank is rolling toward your driveway this very minute! If you do not believe me or think me crazy, I would refer you to Boston only a few months ago. The world is basically divided up between GOOD and EVIL. So far so good, huh? Hang on; the murkiness begins setting in soon after this part. Remember, blurred lines are the friend to the father of all lies, Satan. But God does provide his plan and his truth for those who seek it. We have looked at the world divided by nations with every nation either being a good guy or a bad guy all our lives. This misguided notion is the beginning of our failure at knowing truth. This may have worked WWII and pre but it is misleading today. There are good guys and bad guys all over the earth. Most are probably bad. They are intertwined everywhere and the bad guys try to convince you that the good guys are the bad guys. You need to know this part. You can choose to look at the world in a strictly none religious, secular fashion or you can look at the world in a 100% religious fashion. Both will lead you astray. Do you really think Noah did not have the common sense enough to know when to walk out of the ark? You also need to know the center of failure is man’s innate and uncanny insistency of being centered in unfixable corruption. Greed is dead center of this failure. A few very powerful people have always at least tried to control the earth for their own selfish ends. Today, some people call these elites the NWO, establishment, globalist and dozens of other non-flattering names. At this point the earth, begins to break into groupings. By far the most important groups are religious groups. Although there are dozens of religions, earth has 3 primary religions; Judaism, Christianity, Islam. Can you say that all of Islam or Judaism is either all good or all bad? No more than being able to break Christianity into Catholics, Baptists, Protestants, Mormons, Lutherans, Methodist, yadda, yadda and saying that one of those is the “GOOD” one and all others are bad. Get’s confusing doesn’t it? Now why does all this matter, after all football season is starting! It matters because there is very little time left and because God and I love you. We want you to know what is going on, what to expect and where it is leading. You are a part of this. Do event’s of the world seem very peculiar and strange? 20 years ago John Kerry was saying that anything in Iraq was bad. Today John Kerry says we have to attack Syria, for the very same infractions! Few understand what is really going on. Most of these people are simply playing the part they were given to play. Believe it or not, the Bible talks about EVERY bit of this! Amazing. The world has always been “carved up” by POWER. Dozens of things can create POWER, money for example, armies, yadda, yadda. At one time, the Roman Empire was the largest “civilized” mass of land. That rule lasted a long time actually. Babylonians have ruled. Egyptians have ruled. Muslims have ruled (Ottoman empire). Many, many others. After WWII, earth was carved up by OIL, the “Petro Dollar” and the USA’s currency as the world’s RESERVE CURRENCY. Anyone can site many dozens of reasons for what is going on but the bottom line is that the WWII Power structure has come to the end of its life and it is time for a new world power! It is just that simple believe it or not. And the current world powers all know this and are all “jocking” to take control. All these religions roll into this and each of them make there on predictions at proclaiming victory. A very strong player, both WWII (industrial age) and today is/has been – Saudi Arabia. I could go on for days on this one nation but there isn’t room, time nor interest. It is almost impossible to explain the words and actions of John McCain, Lindsey Graham or Barack Obama except when you realize all 3 of these men are controlled by SAUDI ARABIA! Knowing this fully explains their deeds in this current Syria debacle. And trust me, they are loyal to Saudi Arabia, not the USA! Next, you will say either why the Middle East… OR “I don’t care about the Middle East”. Will you have time to care when gas is $20? THIS WAR HAS ALWAYS BEEN FOUGHT IN THE MIDDLE EAST. Nuff said. Sadly, my note has gotten too long here. I am going to point you to two places to study really hard in your bible. Study the Psalm 83 prophecy and study Daniel beginning with 11. These 2 prophecies are inarguably where the world is right this very minute. All the names in Psalm are somewhat confusing but you can easily enough find the modern names of these nations. IT IS ALARMING! We are in the middle of this and where it is headed is undeniable and unstoppable! It is also my belief that it is going to be quick now. Psalm 83 ushers in the Tribulation which is 3 ½ years before Christ’s return to the Mt of Olives in Jerusalem. I am no longer engaging conversations about the rapture, your going to get over that soon enough. I am just simply too tired of that conversation. Everything I believe, sense and know has come from prayer and the KJV of the Holy Bible. Every bit of it is available to you as well. I personally no longer even believe anything can slow this down now. God has taken over and it will be done according to his WILL!
Posted on: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 11:05:10 +0000

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