Sabbath-Sunday Study: Why??? Pain, Suffering, and Death? - TopicsExpress


Sabbath-Sunday Study: Why??? Pain, Suffering, and Death? part 2 ....we left off where Satan was in the process of deceiving Eve in the Garden. The natural make up of man in the Image of God dies Here we see the very first lie given to mankind, besides Satans disguise in and of itself, the tool of deception all related around food. Wow! Something to truly ponder. If God said, Dont eat it. For if you do, you will die. Then Satan says that we wont die. Who are we going to believe for whats good and right for us to eat and whats not in this life? For they went onto believe Satans lie, and then what happened? They died. So Sin: the Transgression of the Creators perfect Law and order of things, made its ugly killer nature manifest. For where no sin had been, then there was no need for the Law of Instruction in what Not to do furthermore than what YHWH had already spoken of to Adam. Just as YHWH had commanded them of what Not to do, they went on to disobey anyway and died from what they ate. Oh many will say, but, they didnt die. Well, in comparison to already having Everlasting and Eternal life coming to one, when they broke the Instructions of what Not to eat, the Covenant between them and their God was also broken, and thus their beings began to deteriorate. Sin became alive and produced a death sentence for them both. And even their seed after them would become effected by that one decision of putting something in their mouths that they werent supposed to. Through their DNA, it did have an effect on their offspring and it was passed down through all generations, and life of mankind, animal, and even the land was cursed, with a natural death sentence after them. The land and nature became cursed. Everything that was made to last forever, was usurped and set at odds with a pure life by the Destroyer, Satan himself. Instead of Adam living Forever, he lived for 930 years and then died. Gen.5:5. Sacrifices were permitted to atone for mans sins As we had seen at the end of Gen.3, YHWH cast Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden, lest after they had sinned they would partake of the Tree of Life, and thus would live forever in their sinfully condemned state. Yet, His Omniscience foresaw the decision that they would make to transgress His command, and even before that, He had made provision for them to be Saved and become cleansed of all of their offenses against Him. He took of Adams friends, certain special animals, and set them apart as sacrifices that would be needed to atone for mans sins. Yes, mans best friends were the animals that gave up their lives in his stead. Being that sin brings in Death, so ones blood brings in life. Lev.17:11. The blood that brought life, was to be administered over each and every sin that promoted death. Death was to become covered by life. This was to promote, in Adam, a zeal for righteousness and for him to make the decision to refrain from continuing willfully in a sinful lifestyle; by having to endure much sorrow in seeing his animal friends being killed in his place. Their consciences grievously convicted them of not only into fearing and hiding from YHWH; knowing that disobeying the commandment was evil and that they wronged Him, but also by seeing another living, breathing creature suffer, so that he may live, was to promote remorse and regret for his/their actions. Yes, even as their natures had become corrupted. So Adam, seeing an animal die in his stead for his actions, was to feel rightly guilty for any and all transgression, and repent, never to commit those same sins again. Proverbs 28:13. And thus, was the Sacrificial System set up to redeem man from our sinful actions/nature. This system was to help mankind acknowledge what death wreaks in our animal companions, and for us to make better, thoughtful, and conscientious decisions, before we act on whim or view, through undisciplined emotions or feelings (our senses). Flesh meat was permitted due to lack of vegetation because of the flood After atleast the first Century of mans existence, sin had excelled in such extreme rates that mankind had become exceedingly corrupt as a whole. YHWH sought to bring mankind back to Him, yet, to no avail. His Mercy and longsuffering was set forth in a decision, one last time, to bring man to their right senses to make a choice to have Him in their lives again or not. To accept Him so that He may clean them up, preserve them with moral and godly living standards, and help them flourish without serving Satan through their submission to their nature carnal tendencies. Yet, He was leery of mans covenants, for all the earth was wicked exceedingly under the inhabitants thereof. Yet, there was one man, Noah,...who found Grace in the eyes of YHWH. And He called Noah to be a Preacher. God made His Covenant with Noah. And He gave mankind a probationary period of 120 years to hear Noah and make a decision thereby. For He was going to destroy all life that had been corrupted, in order to make it anew. Noahs family heard the call...and that was all who did, or even cared to- as Noah built an Ark (a large boat) and preached to all that a flood was to come upon the earth. And, being that there had never been any rain before, this was very hard to accept for all of the hardened skeptics. YHWH then told Noah that He was going to send animals to him to preserve their kinds upon the earth. And He instructed that there would be 7 males and 7 females of the clean animals of each kind and 2 males and 2 females of the unclean (scavengers) of their kind sent to him to put upon the Ark. They brought food in for all of his family and for the animals to eat as well. And, when the day came for Noah and his family to go into the Ark, he all of his family and the animals all went on, and YHWH shut the door of Salvation behind them. And so mankind and all elses fate was sealed, and their lives were given up through their own willfully self deceived decision to doubt Who YHWH is, and to choose the wrong over the right. It rained for 40 days and 40 nights until the waters were above the highest of mountains. Noah, his family, and the animals of every kind were upon the boat for approximately a year until the land was completely dried up and was safe to reside upon again. After they departed off of the boat, YHWH confirmed His Covenant with Noah, by placing a Rainbow in the Sky. And Noah took of the Clean animals and gave a Sacrifice of Prayer and worship up to YHWH in thanksgiving, for His Mercy and goodness to those that make a Covenant of Faith with Him. Due to all plant life having been destroyed, the Clean animals were now permitted to be used as food, for the first time. See: Lev.11 and Deut. 14 for YHWHs specifications of what is Clean and what is Not from the Instructions that He gave to Moses in detail after this.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 11:48:42 +0000

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