Sacrifice their lives for americas freedom. Did I read that - TopicsExpress


Sacrifice their lives for americas freedom. Did I read that right? Wow. Well, guess what? WE HAVE NEVER BEEN ATTACKED (yet) and no, 9/11 was not an attack by another country, only OURS. Incredible how so many of us can believe this crap about freedom and democracy and defending our freedom... It litterally makes me sick to even write this... All we have done is invent wars to be faught on other countries, simply for PROFIT, and, you guessed it, NONE of it reaches Tom, Dick or Harry... only the elites and the criminals in higher office. Nothing will change until we start opening our eyes in this Life of ours and start discovering what this country was built on, and it is understandable why so few of us even care to go there and to examine how we got where we are... Genocide of another Culture who was here first, and pretty much all our riches come from wars, illegal wars, invented by our government, to invade other countries for their resources, just like our forefathers did to the Original Inhabitants of this Land... I shake my head in shame, as I read those comments on this FoxNews post. We sure know how to pay the game... Government is real proud of us...
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 13:49:24 +0000

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